Sabrina’s last name.
Who is Rahimi?
Arham’s last name.
Who is Abedin?
Sabrina’s only sibling.
Who is Mohammad Ali?
State capital of California.
What is Sacramento?
Husband of Megan Markle.
Who is Prince Harry?
Sabrina’s hometown (city, state).
What is Orlando, Florida?
Arham’s hometown (city/country).
What is Calcutta, India?
Sabrina’s parents hometown (city, country).
What is Karachi, Pakistan?
The city where Golden Gate Bridge is located.
What is San Francisco?
Bing is their married last name, what are their first names?
Who are Monica and Chandler?
Sabrina’s favorite hobby.
What is traveling?
Arham attended this university for grad school.
What is University of Florida?
Arham’s parents hometown. (City, country)
What is Bihar, India?
California’s nickname.
What is The Golden State?
Famous Bollywood actress married to Jonas brother.
Who is Priyanka Chopra?
Sabrina’s favorite movie.
What is DDLJ?
Arham’s favorite hobby.
What is playing the guitar?
Arham’s parents names.
Who are Zainul and Fauzia?
State that borders California to the north.
What is Oregon?
Famous Indian (Bollywood) couple who got married at the end of 2018.
Who are Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh?
Sabrina’s favorite Disney character.
Who is Belle?
Arham’s dream car.
What is Tesla Model X?
Total number of cousins Sabrina has.
What is 17?
California state flower.
What is California poppy?
Belle never calls Beast by his real name, yes he has one. What is it?
Who is Adam?