A Day at the Beach
Christmas in July
Trouble Abroad
Going Overboard
Into the Woods

Ouch! I left my SPF 30 at home so now I need to pick up some aloe vera gel at CVS. I must have this common problem coded with L55.0.

What is sunburn of 1st degree ?


Wrapping gifts can be a pain, but this kind of pain can annoy you for days; W26.2XXA.

What is contact with edge of stiff paper, initial encounter?


Guten Tag. Have your fill of stouts and lagers, but be careful or else this is coded for you, F10.120.

What is alcohol abuse with intoxication, uncomplicated


Climbing back onto the boat with one leg dude? Have a banana and you'll be fine, but make sure you code R25.2 & T75.1 to properly dictate what condition you have.

What is cramp and spasm due to immersion?


Hiking can be adventurous and fun, but this common injury can really be a pain, S93.401A. Grab the ice pack.

What is sprain of unspecified ligament of right ankle, initial encounter?


You can't figure out where to go or what to do so you spend your night staring at the ceiling, so you may need to code this G47.00.

What is insomnia, unspecified?


Walking on the beach, you might not notice this pile of goop, but you better know that it is not a PB&J while you code T63.621A.

What is toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter?


Dinner was late so you forgot to put on your Ove' Glove and now we need to code T23.242A. Don't forget to include X15.3XXA.

What is burn of second degree of multiple left fingers (nail), including thumb, initial encounter & contact with hot saucepan or skillet, initial encounter?


You had ice in your margarita and now you have a bought of this R19.7.

What is diarrhea, unspecified


You might not S.C.U.B.A. again if you happen to be inflicted with this T70.3, but don't forget this Y93.15. At least you saw some cool stuff.

What is Caisson disease [decompression sickness] (the bends) & Activity, underwater diving and snorkeling?


You are building up some kindling and then OUCH, something snags in your left ring finger, hand me that antiseptic and the sewing needle, S60.455A.

What is superficial foreign body of left ring finger, initial encounter?


You were running on your treadmill, slip and hit your head. Make sure you code this, S06.0X0A, before you forget who the president is.

What is concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter?


duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun. Summertime in Martha's Vineyard brings up some scary swim time stories, especially that one time this coded injury, W56.41XA, happened.

What is contact with shark, bitten by shark, initial encounter?


Too much "Rockin' Around" can cause you to code this W20.8XXA. True story, this happened to me as a kid.

What is other cause of strike by thrown, projected or falling object, initial encounter?


Travelling to the pyramids of Giza, make sure you bring your water bottle or you might need to code this T67.3XXA.

What is heat exhaustion, anhydrotic, initial encounter?


Dolphins are great and these fish might be fun too, but watch out for those tails. T63.514A & Y93.11 

What is toxic effect of contact with stingray, undetermined, initial encounter & activity, swimming?


That fire is going now, but make sure you stay upwind or else you might be coding this J70.5.

What is respiratory conditions due to smoke inhalation?


I WANNA ROCK!!!! But too much of that can lead to this affliction H83.3X3.

What is noise effects on inner ear, bilateral? (Noise-induced hearing loss)


Walking on, walking on... this injury leftover from a nighttime bender, waiting to happen when coded as W25.XXXA.

What is contact with sharp glass, initial encounter?


It might be Santa Clause or it might be Dad trying to put on the lights, but either way, we may need to code W13.2XXA if this happens.

What is fall from, out of or through roof, initial encounter?


Namaste, welcome to base camp at Mount Everest. Make sure you don't forget your oxygen or you may need to code this T70.20XA.

What is unspecified effects of high altitude, initial encounter?


Gilligan and the Skipper may have some Dramamine on-board to help with this affliction, T75.3, and make sure you code where it happens too, Y92.814. 

What is motion sickness & boat as the place of occurrence of the external cause?


I need to keep the bears away, but by hoisting up my food, I irritated these angry bee cousins and they attack, T63.461A. 

What is toxic effect of venom of wasps, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter?


This always happens, you try something new and you get hurt for your efforts. My grandmother would be so embarrassed of me, S71.132A & Y93.D1.

What is puncture wound without foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter & activity, knitting and crocheting 


Running on the beach playing some football? You hear a pop on your right and then the swelling begins. You better code S83.511A and get ready for a two to six month recovery time.

What is the sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of right knee, initial encounter?


It could have been the turkey, or the sausage, or the shrimp, or it could have been the cake at the end, anyway you slice it, you need to code A05.9.

What is bacterial foodborne intoxication, unspecified (food poisoning)?


You need to code this Z71.89 if you need to pick up some Japanese encephalitis, Typhoid Fever & Yellow Fever before I leave on that jet plane.

What is other specified counseling?


You can safely do the cha-cha or safely do the twist, but someone pulls out a can-can and then you need to code this, W50.0XXA.

What is accidental hit or strike by another person? (kicked in the face)


Gooble, gooble. Be careful during mating season or this might happen to you, W61.43XA.

What is pecked by turkey, initial encounter?


Staying home with the family can be stressful and if so, you may need to code this Z63.1.

What is problems in relationship with in-laws?
