What exit do we use for a fire drill?
Front exit by the office
What is the Superintendent's name?
Mr. Smith
When should you get to class?
On time!
What is the grade for an assignment that is more than a week late?
When should your computer be open during class?
Only when you are actually working on an assignment.
Where do we go for a lock down?
Behind the kitchen islands
Who is the 7th grade counselor?
Mr. Bentley
What should you do as soon as you get to class?
Sit down in your seat and be ready to work.
What is the best way to get in contact with me if you are not in class?
Send an email.
What should you do if you miss class?
Check Google Classroom and make up any missed work.
What do you do if you are in the hallway during a lockdown?
Go to the nearest room
Where do you go as soon as you enter the building after getting off the bus?
When are you allowed to have your phone in class?
Name two of the supplies that you need for class.
Folder, paper, pencil, or planner,
Where can you monitor your grades?
School tool
What do you do every time you leave the room?
Sign out and get a pass
How much time do you have to move from one class to another?
approximately 3 to 4 minutes, depending on the period
What happens if you are late to class 3 times?
Lunch detention
When are you allowed to be in the kitchen area of the room?
Never without permission.
What is my email address?
What should you do if you have any issues, problems, concerns or special needs?
Talk to a teacher, counselor, or administrator
What should you carry with you at all times?
What 3 things are you not allowed to wear in class?
Earbuds, hoods, and hats.
What does FACS stand for?
Family and Consumer Science
What are two possible consequences for inappropriate behavior or missed assignments?
Contact parent, lunch detention, referral, conference with teacher, after school with teacher