What do we do first if there is a fire drill alarm?
How does the class look and sound while walking in the hallways and around the school?
Students should be standing at a level zero, with their hands by their sides, and walking in a single file line.
How do you enter the classroom each morning?
You can enter quietly, calmly, and happily. You may greet your friends and teacher, then get started with your morning routine.
TRUE OR FALSE: You may run in the hallway when going to fill up Ms. Schrier's water bottle. Ms. Miller said it was O.K.
FALSE. You may NEVER run in the hallway. Unless it is emergency or their is a fire.
When we have a class birthday party, how do we greet the parent(s) when they enter our room?
We stay seated, and greet the guests with a "hello" and "welcome" in an inside voice.
When you get outside with your class during a fire drill, what is your voice level on the basketball court?
Zero, No talking
If a student touches you in an inappropriate or hurtful manner, what should you do?
Tell them to stop, and go to tell the teacher or any adult immediately.
When the teacher says "give me a zero"
what do you do?
Stop talking right away and put attention on the teacher.
TRUE OR FALSE: I can get up whenever I want to go borrow a marker from Susie?
False. We may not get up without raising our hands and asking permission.
Ms. Schrier says 1,2,3 eyes on me" during a birthday because it is getting too loud. She reminds you to be seated and lower your voices. What happens if you get too loud again?
You will have 2 minutes of no talking, and possibly have to end the celebration.
Where does Ms. Schreier's class go for a code red?
Into the bathroom, at a level zero.
If someone knocks on the classroom door, who is allowed to get up and open it?
Ms. Schrier or another adult in the room
It is lunch time and the teacher calls your table to get your lunch. What are the steps?
We are doing reading centers. It is your turn to read to yourself. What kind of space will you be looking for to read at?
Somewhere not too close to someone else reading. Somewhere that I will be successful and not distracted.
When you are with another teacher for a special event or rotation, what rules do you need to follow in their classroom with them?
We need to follow their class rules, and our class rules.
For an inclement( harsh or severe) weather drill, where does the class go? What is the voice level?
The class will go away from all windows, and go to the furthest corner in the classroom. Students will crouch down and tuck their heads down. The voice level will be a zero.
When you are outside on the playground, what are the 3 rules?
1. Keep your hands and body parts to yourself. Play in an appropriate manner.
2. Do not climb up the slide.
3. Line up when you hear the "clapper".
When can you go get water from the water station?
You can go to get water by raising your hand and asking for permission. You may also get water upon entering the classroom from recess.
The Hebrew teacher is coming to the classroom. What materials do we need to get out?
Our blue folder and composition book.
When parents are giving out cake or treats, are you up out of your seat? What happens if you are?
When parents are giving out treats or food, we are sitting down at our seats waiting patiently. We may not call out or whine for a certain flavor or treat. We may wait until they come to us, and ask politely, while saying "yes, please," or "no, thank you."
If you are out of your seat you will not get whatever is being handed out.
TRUE or FALSE: When the fire alarm goes off, I clean up my desk and area before I line up to go outside.
When is it O.K. to run in the classroom?
List all of the things you need to do when you come into the classroom in the morning. Please list them in order of how you do them.
1. Greet teacher, classmates, and put your backpack on your hook.
2. Take out your black folder and agenda. Put your black folder on Ms. Schrier's desk in the bin and sit down with agenda.
3. Write in agenda, sitting down at your seat, place agenda back in your seat back when complete.
4. Walk to white table and get morning work.What should you do if someone has their materials or hands on your desk?
Ask them nicely to please put their stuff on their own desks. If they don't listen, raise your hand to tell the teacher you need some help.
Phoenix's mom brings goody bags for his birthday. The class is lined up to leave and receive their goody bag. Ms. Schrier pushes Leni out of the way in line, and says "I need a goody bag now too!!" What should Leni do?
Say "Please don't push me. We are all waiting in line. Please find your own spot in line, so you can get a goody bag."