CTP Program and Grants Management
Peer to Peer
Flood Hazard Analysis and Processes
MIP and Data Management
Communications and Outreach

This part of the Code of Federal Regulations governs the CTP Program

What is 2 CFR?


This CFM recently rode a merry-go-round where one of the horses had a dead animal on the back and a bow and arrow on its side

Who is Whit Montague?


This 3-letter acronym is one of the key outputs of a risk assessment and provides a good way to compare the risk of one property to the next

What is AAL, average annualized loss?


This Quality Review number is two parts and reviews documents associated with due process

What is QR4?


This communication concept asserts that small, discrete tasks are far less daunting than big, clumped ones

What is chunking?


These kinds of costs under the CTP program are chargeable and assignable to cost categories

What are allocable costs?


This event was the impetus for the Iowa Floodplain Mapping Program

What are the 2008 Floods?


These are two types of RiskMAP standards

What are program standards and working standards?


During MIP Study production, this MIP term refers to a study activity within a purchase, assigned to and completed by different MIP studies users, including managers, producers, quality reviewers, data validators, and FEMA personnel

What is a task?


This communication concept asserts that the more involved we are in creating something, the more we value it

What is the Ikea Effect?


This initiative, run every 5 years, is a major source of feedback for the CTP program to drive its goals, objectives, and vision for the next 5 years

What is the Feedback Survey?


This portal maps approximately half of the watersheds in Arkansas

What is the Estimated Base Flood Elevation (estBFE) Viewer?


These are non-regulatory datasets that provide a more detailed depiction of the flood hazard than the FIRM (name two)

What is depth grid, water surface elevation grid, velocity grid, percent chance grid?


MIP submittals must be compliant to this three-letter standard

What is DCS (Data Capture Standards)?


This resource helps mapping partners use behavioral science techniques to build relationships with a community through Risk MAP engagements

What is the CERC Playbook?


These activities are eligible for funding under the CTP program (name two)

What is program management, community outreach, flood risk projects, LOMRs, special projects.


These resources and tools are housed under Missouri SEMA's Floodplain User's Portal (name at least one)

What is the draft map viewer, the Floodplain Management Homepage, workshop/conference information, project data submittal, HEC-RAS model request, project documents, project newsletters and admin comment layers?


This tool checks database field requirements (i.e., type, size, precision, scale, etc.), defined attribute domain values, topologic standards, and metadata compliance, and utilizes a series of logic statements to confirm that proper attribute values are used in the correct manner

What is the FIRM Database Verification Tool (DVT)?


This document serves as the primary reference for Leverage entries in the MIP

What is the Blue Book?


This communication concept asserts that immediate gratification is better than future gratification, even if the future payout is more

What is Hyperbolic Discounting?


This document lists all the activities for a Risk MAP project that a CTP will perform 

What is a Mapping Activity Statement


Laura Algeo tried, but failed to see, this animal in Yellowstone

What is a moose?


The loss of this is the primary reason why regulatory floodways generated from unsteady flow modeling (1D or 2D) are wider (and likely more realistic) than steady flow modeling

What is overbank storage?


This is the percentage of panels/products that Quality Review (QR) 3 checks

What is approximately 10%?


These are a collection of materials designed to help local officials talk with the public about flood risk

What is the FEMA Flood Risk Communication Toolkit?
