If you're born in the middle of June, you're this sign of the Twins.
What is Gemini
If you were to put all the planets in a pool, only this one would float.
What is Saturn
What is Mercury
Jerry Bruckheimer is the executive producer of this TV series abbreviated CSI.
What is Crime Scene Investigation.
The original CSI series takes place in this "Fabulous" city.
What is Las Vegas
It's the only sign in the zodiac that isn't represented by a human or animal.
What is Libra
Ganymede is the largest moon of this largest planet.
What is Jupiter
This sign of the crab is ruled by the moon.
What is Cancer
Jerry Bruckheimer is the creator of this Disney "pirates" movie series.
What is Pirates of the Carribean.
Horatio Caine is the main protagonist of the 2nd CSI series, which takes place in this Florida city.
What is Miami
If you're born on Valentine's Day, you're under this "Aquatic" sign.
What is Aquarius
Phobos and Deimos are this planet's two moons.
What is Mars
This sign of the virgin is also ruled by Mercury.
What is Virgo
Jerry Bruckheimer partnered with this man until his death in 1995.
Who is Don Simpson
The CSI shows' theme songs are remixes of songs by this band featuring Pete Townshend and Keith Moon.
What is The Who
People born under this sign are considered to be the natural leader.
What is Aries
This planet is considered to be Earth's "sister."
What is Venus
Saturn is the ruling planet of this sign of the goat.
What is Capricorn
The Jerry Bruckheimer logo appears in this "G" movie.
What is G Force
Patricia Arquette is the main star in this latest CSI series.
What is CSI Cyber
It's the sign of the Archer.
What is Sagittarius
This planet has the most moons and the most rings.
What is Uranus
Pisces is ruled by this planet.
What is Neptune
Jerry Bruckheimer was born in this Michigan city.
What is Detroit
In CSI Miami's 8th season, an episode titled "Miami, We Have a Problem" is based off of this Texas city.
What is Houston