What's Drake's full name?
Aubrey Drake Graham
Name the show/movie this quote is from...
“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.”
The Office
This recently retired athlete attributed it to health-related issues and running out of luck...
Andrew Luck
Alpha Phi Omega's 3 pillars...
Leadership, friendship, service
What is Baruch's mascot?
Name the title of this anime AND the character
Death Note / Ryuk
What NFL quarterback has been in the most Super Bowls?
Tom Brady
What year were we chartered then rechartered?
1939 / 2013
What is the name of Mulan's horse?
Lil Nas X recently came out as gay in this song...
In the theme song, Spongebob is described with three adjectives. What are they?
Absorbent, yellow, porous
This self-proclaimed athlete coined the nickname "The Greatest" and was often described as floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee...
Muhammad Ali
What is our motto?
Be a leader, be a friend, be of service
The only king in a deck of cards without a mustache...
King of Hearts
Who was Post Malone supposed to produce "Circles" with?
Mac Miller
What movie is this line from?
"They may take our lives but they'll never take our Freedom!"
This retired fighter was known for her dominance in the ring before turning it in for an acting career, which she also frequently performs in a ring.
Ronda Rousey
Who was our founder?
Frank Reed Horton
What does "karaoke" mean in Japanese?
Empty orchestra
Who did Travis Scott lose "Best Rap Album" to in the Grammys?
Cardi B
What is this place called and what show is it on?
Little leaf village / Naruto
Name all NBA, MLB, NFL, and NHL New York teams.
Knicks, Nets, Yankees, Mets, Jets, Giants, Bills, Rangers, Islanders.
What college was APO first founded in?
Lafayette College
F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for U and me
N is for...
anywhere and anytime at all