1893; 1895
What year was GFWC Utah organized, and what year did it become affiliated with General Federation of Women's Clubs?
Mary Ellen Brock, Spring Convention 2019
Who is the current GFWC International President and when did she last visit GFWC UT?
In 1868, Jane Cunningham Croly, a professional journalist, attempted to attend a dinner at an all-male press club honoring British novelist Charles Dickens. She was denied admittance based upon her gender, and in response, formed a woman’s club—Sorosis.
What was the initial event that eventually gave birth to GFWC?
11; Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
How many states make up Western States Region and which are they?
How many clubs currently belong to GFWC UT and where are they located?
6; Tooele (2), Tremonton, Murray, Brigham City, Park City
Marian St. Clair, June 2020
Who will be the next GFWC International President and when will she take office?
1890; 63 clubs officially formed the General Federation of Women's Clubs by ratifying the GFWC constitution
When was GFWC officially formed and how many clubs were there?
In which season is the annual WSR Convention held?
Nearly 3,000
How many individual clubs belong to GFWC?
In the 1930s, GFWC clubs had founded over 474 free public libraries and 4,655 traveling libraries. Supporting local libraries continues to be a Federation priority today.
In the 1930s, the American Library Association credited women's clubs with establishing what percent of America's public libraries?
Held annually the day before International Convention, this program is intended to identify GFWC members at the grass-roots level who have the potential and desire to assume leadership positions in GFWC beyond their club.
What is LEADS?
(Leadership Education and Development Seminar)
$154,459,132 - enough money to purchase 431 planes
In 1944, through the GFWC Buy a Bomber campaign during World War II, state federations sold war bonds worth how much money?
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
What is the GFWC Mission Statement?
GFWC's Women's Crusade for Seat Belts
When and what was the program that resulted in the installation of more than 1 million seat belts in only 1 year?