How does Dontay get to school each morning?
3 Buses and 2 trains
(What does this tell you about his commitment to school)
Jess comes from:
a) a big city with lots of diversity and a large population
b) a small rural town with a small population
b) Small rural town with a small population
Cecilia is taking AP classes. What are AP classes?
Advanced Placement
(How can AP classes help prepare you for college?)
What are 2 sports/activities that is Soma involved in?
Football, Rugby, Track, Haka Dance
What are the exams mentioned needed for College Admission?
Dontay is able to turn his life around after a difficult situation Sophomore year, what happened?
Was arrested/jailed for firearm possession
(How can this affect his future?)
What is Jess's mother's educational background?
She dropped out of high school senior year.
(How does this affect her ability to provide Jess with advice and assist Jess with the process?)
What happened to Cecilia's father?
He was jailed and deported to Mexico
What tragic loss did Soma suffer not long ago?
Unexpected death of his father
(How can this affect his school performance?)
What does the counselor speak about in regards to the relationship between a family's income and student's SAT score?
The higher the income generally the higher the score.
(What are some reasons why?)
What personal issue has Dontay's mother been dealing with most of her life?
Drug Addiction
What does Jess do to assist her family ?
Works after school at family owned diner
(How difficult to manage work with school duties?)
What is Cecilia's dream school?
What is the "P.I community" that he is referring to?
Pacific Islanders
Why do richer kids tend to do better on SAT?
More available resources to assist in preparation.
Why did Dontay mother say it was better that he did not go out of state for college?
They could not afford to pay out of state tuition
Why does Jess mom feel fearful about the idea of leaving home to go to college?
She can not afford to help her pay.
What cultural pressures does Cecilia report feeling as a Hispanic Woman in regards to college and career?
She feels she is expected to stay home and take care of family and household rather than to pursue a career.
(How can culture affect people's aspirations and expectations?)
What is one major social issue that is specifically mentioned that Pacific Islander children face?
Poverty - 25% are poor
(How can this affect his performance at school?)
What is the main reason he mentions that Dontay was not able to complete and HBCU applications.
Waited too long to begin application process
How did Jess feel at the end of the film about her choice to attend
a) She regretted her decision
b) She was happy with her decision
c) She was unsure about her decision
b) Happy
Why did Cecilia choose CSUB instead of continuing to go after her dream school of UCLA?
She received a full scholarship and wan not sure she could afford UCLA
*Gave up on application
What was Soma unable to apply for his choice school of USC?
He did not have the pre-requisites/ did not meet the requirements/ did not qualify
What is FAFSA
Federal Student Aid application.
Complete Senior year to see what sort of federal loans you are eligible for.