Dementia Precox
What is the previous historical name of schizophrenia?
Indicators of mental health conditions which you as the clinician observe in the patient
What are signs?
Which version of the DSM added PTSD due to an increase in this condition following World War I and removed homosexuality as a mental health disorder?
Person in Environment, involves the fit between the person and the world around them.
What is the social work view of mental health?
Milder, more environmentally driven disorders became evident because soldiers exposed to traumatic combat experiences were less likely to die due to improvements in medical treatment.
How did World War I impact mental health care?
Manic Depression
What is the previous historical name of bipolar disorder?
The Jarvis study
What was the first attempt to take count of the mentally ill and look at social causes focused on low income Irish immigrants?
Which version of the DMS IV added the requirement of distress or functional impairment in response to past criticism that the DSM tended to over pathologlize?
A disease like any other, comparable to diabetes.
What is the NAMI definition of mental illness
The DSM is not helpful for marital and family problems, distracts from individual differences and is not sensitive to racial and cultural differences
What are criticisms of DMS III by social workers?
What was alcoholism referred to in the 1800's?
The diagnostic division between affective psychotic disorder (bipolar) and non affective psychotic disorder (schizophrenia) is based on this researcher.
Who is Emil Kraepelin? (Krapaelin dichotomy)
What version of the DSM had a psychoanalytic focus and treated mental health as a reaction?
The disease model. View mental illness as a brain disease, biomedical. The person need to change to be considered healthy. The dominant model.
What is the American Psychiatric Association definition of mental illness?
After WW I psychiatrists start to treat more mild environmentally defined conditions and current guidebook only listed severe conditions believed to be biologically based.
Why was a new mental health guidebook needed?
What was depression referred to in the 1880's?
What volume of the DSM billed itself as just a list of symptoms without regard to causes and theories?
What is DMS III?
What volume of the DSM de-emphasized psychoanalytic theory and was more medically focused?
Reactions, learned behaviors and cognitions. If the person is in conflict with society this is only mental illness if it's related to some kind of difficulty or dysfunction within the individual.
What is the American Psychological Association definition of mental illness?
Published DSM III
What did psychiatry do to reassert a firm grasp over mental health?
Indicators of mental health issues which the client reports
What are symptoms?
1. Low reliability of psychiatric diagnoses
2. Poor response to treatment
What were primary criticisms of the anti psychiatry movement of the 60's and 70's?
Which volume of the DSM removed the Axis system, got rid of NOS (not otherwise specified), and included a continuum understanding of mental health (such as autism spectrum disorder)?
What is DSM 5?
When you believe what society says about you as a person with a stigmatized label.
What is stereotype agreement?
Establishes a common language to communicate about mental health conditions
What is a benefit of the DMS?