The latin name for an appeal to pity
What is Argumentukm Ad Misericordiam
What is snob appeal
This is a typical argument from someone who was raised in a wealthy family--of course you want to reduce taxes for the rich!
What is Ad Hominem Circumstantial?
As far as I'm concerned, the Medicaid program is a total wasted. There are still people in this country who go without care because they are uninsured.
What are irrelevant goals or functions?
Greek for "loving wisdom"
What is philosophy?
The Latin name for mob appeal
What is Argumentum Ad Populum
What is an example of Mob Appeal?
Mr, Johnson is a drunk and has been convicted multiple times for driving under the influence of alcohol. Why would we consider his recommendation to install a stoplight at this intersection?
What is Ad Hominem Abusive?
Hindus don't believe in helping the poor. That's why Hinduism is a religion of callous inhumanity. All one has to do is walk the streets of India to see how little Hindus care about the plight of those less fortunate
What is a straw man fallacy?
The art and science of reasoning.
What is logic?
What is Ad Hominem abusive
Electing a conservative president will reduce funds for school lunch programs, and our children will go hungry.
What is Ad Misericordiam or Appeal to Pity
Of course Julie agrees that car companies should build their cars to stricter standards of safety! Her brother works for the Automobile Safety Commission!
What is a Genetic Fallacy?
Linda's mom won't let her get her ears pierced. Her won't let her grow up; she just wants to control every move.
What is the straw man fallacy?
A commonly recognized bad argument failing to meet the requirements of relevance, clarity, or presumption.
What is a fallacy?
The latin for arguments that distract by attempting to shame the listerner into agreement by citing an illegitimate authority
What is Argumentum Ad Verecundiam
Buy gold now and invest in your future. Many experts agree that this may be the best time to buy gold in decades.
What is an example of an Appeal to Illegitimate Authority? (biased expert)
What is Tu Quoque?
Of course I think our school should start a football team. I have evidence that shows that students who participate in sports programs perform better academically.
What is an irrelevant thesis?
Ad Hominem Abusive, Ad Hominem Circustantial, Tu Quoque, and Genetic Fallacy
What are the Ad Fontem Arguments?
Arguments that distract by measuring a plan or policy according to goals it wasn't intended to achieve
What are Irrelevant Goals or Functions
Out with the old and in with the new
What is Chronological Snobbery?
Yesterday on Fox News, Brit Hume strongly argued that we should take military action against Iraq. You cant trust anything coming from that right winged news organization!
What is Genetic Fallacy?
Sending 50,000 more troops to this country will ensure that we win the war and there is no evidence that this won't work.
What is an appeal to ignorance?
An argument is not made but the audience is persuaded by force
What is a non-argumentative persuasion?