What was due on October 15th?
6 colleges listed on Scoir
How many colleges are still scheduled to visit MVA?
15 - check Scoir
What is ED and EA?
ED - Early Decision
EA - Early Action
This Amazing counselor is a former teacher that realized they loved the job, but hated the kids.
Stephanie DiNonno
With 66,000 students, this school is the larges in the United States.
University of Central Florida
What is due by November 15th?
6 applications due to colleges
On average, how many emails does Scoir send you each day?
What program, specifically designed for Florida residents, allows you to receive money?
Bright Futures
This Amazing counselor stared fear in the eye when they went down a tube of death at H2O.
Yordin Robinson
What school has the largest library in the world?
What delicious event happens every Wednesday night from 6:00-8:00pm?
C.A.F.E. Wednesday
If you move a college from "following" to the column to your right, what column would you be in?
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free Application For Federal Student Aid
This Amazing counselor was bowler of the year in their home state when they were 11.
Rick Ellis
These 2 college drop outs were the apple of someones eye, and the face of a company? (You shouldn't be a college drop out)
Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg
When are the last dates you can take the SAT and ACT in 2019?
ACT - December 14th
Once an application has been submitted, what column should you move the college to, in order for your counselor to send your transcript?
The "Applied" column
This Amazing counselor is tri-lingual; they speak English, Spanish and Fun Parent.
Mayra Rodriguez
What do the following schools have in common: University of Chicago, Wake Forest, Rollins.
They are all test-optional
What is the National College Decision Date?
Signing this form allows us to send information to colleges without a subpoena?
If I'm a boarding student and want to go on a college visit, I would use this software to request leave.
This Friday's Diversity Fest marks the return of this amazing counselor's dance moves.
Allison Varnado
What northeast college, shares the same mascot as our Montverde eagles?
Boston College