Inferences/Close Reading
Character Traits
Narrative Writing/Reading Elements
Vocabulary/Context Clues

To make an inference, you...

  1. Make a prediction
  2. Use background knowledge and details from the text to draw a conclusion
  3. Use foreshadowing in your writing
  4. Guess about what will happen next

2. Use background knowledge and details from the text to draw a conclusion


The purpose of a conjunction is...

A. To begin a sentence

B. To end a sentence

C. To link phrases in a sentence together

C. To link phrases in a sentence together


Which of the following is NOT a character trait?

A. Age

B. Generosity

C. Loyalty

D. Optimism

A. Age


Define setting in a narrative. Include all parts.

The setting of a story is the time and place in which it occurs. 


Sometimes when reading, unknown words are surrounded by known words that can help readers infer meaning. These known words are referred to as:

  1. Context clues
  2. Helping verb
  3. Central idea
  4. Drawing conclusion

1. Context clues


"The Golden Gate Bridge spans the San Francisco Bay, connecting northern California to the peninsula of San Francisco."

From this, we can infer that...

  1. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California.
  2. The bridge has the longest span of any other suspension bridge.
  3. Thick cables are best.
  4. The bridge is the most popular bridge in the Bay Area.

1. The bridge enables many people to go from San Francisco to northern California


Which of the following conjunctions would most effectively fill the blank to complete the sentence?

I was hoping to ask Jasmine to the ball, and/so/for/but she already had a date.

A. And

B. So

C. For

D. But

D. But

(To show contrast between hopes and reality)


Abe Lincoln could not endure the thought of cheating any one, even though it had been done unintentionally. He took great care of the money at the store. But some days there were mistakes. He always made sure to correct them. 

Based on this passage, Abe Lincoln was.....

a. Dedicated

 b. Honest 

c. Family-oriented 

d. Modest

 b. Honest


The conflict of a story is the problem. List the four types of conflict.

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Self


Flamin' Hot Cheetos were Billy Bob's favorite. Even though he had eaten 26 bags already, he yearned for more.

What is the the meaning of the word yearned?

Yearn(v): Desire, want or hunger for


Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him.  He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch.  After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it. He nodded. As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller.

Why was Kyle distraught?

1. He couldn't beat the level in Grand Larceny VII.

2. He was exhausted from playing games all night.

3. He earned poor grades on his report card.

4. He didn't want to take out the trash.

3. He earned poor grades on his report card.


Revise the following three sentences into one sentence using conjunctions:

My baseball game was cancelled. It was raining. I went to the movies instead.

My baseball game was cancelled because it was raining, so I went to the movies instead.



Based on this clip, what can we infer about Brock?

1. Brock is intelligent

2. Brock is prepared

3. Brock is unintelligent

4. Brock is resourceful

4. Brock is resourceful


What is the most effective narrative writing technique for creating vivid descriptions, painting an image, and placing your reader within the setting of the story?

Hint: List the five types of this technique

Sensory Details







Define context.

Context (n): The situation or circumstance in which something occurs, the background. 


Kelvin was waiting in front of the corner store at 3:56.  His muscles were tense and he was sweating a bit more than usual.  The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront were much more relaxed, even playful.  They joked back and forth lightly to each other but for Kelvin, time slowed.  3:57.  John said, “Don’t worry, Kelvin.  He ain’t even gonna show up.”  Kelvin hoped that he wouldn’t.  A black four-door Camry with tinted windows pulled up and parked across the street. Kelvin gulped.  3:58.  A group of teenagers piled out of the car.  James was in the front.  “Hi-ya, Kelvin.  Glad you could make it,” James said, smirking. 

We can infer that James and Kelvin are....

1. Friends

2. Brothers 

3. Teammates

4. Enemies

4. Enemies


Which two conjunctions are best used to show contrast?

(This may help when using context clues as well!)



This is a character who experiences a significant change or development over the course of the narrative. Additionally, give ONE example of this type of character that we have met in English class this year...

  1. Static character
  2. Round character
  3. Flat character
  4. Dynamic character

4. Dynamic character


Cruel Young Lord

Annie Johnson

A few others may be acceptable


In a single sentence, please state a theme of this short video. Additionally, please attribute one character trait to the man with the headphones. Support your trait with evidence from the video.


The theme of this video is to not assume you are right.

The theme of this video is not to judge a book by its cover.

Character Traits





Martha attempted to placate the angry customer by offering him a free cup of coffee.

Placate (v): calm or satisfy


The widow Elsa was as complete a contrast to her third bridegroom, in everything but age, as can be conceived. Compelled to relinquish her first marriage after her husband died in the war, she married a man twice her years to whom she became an exemplary wife despite their having nothing in common, and by whose death she was left in possession of a splendid fortune, though she gave it away to the church. Next, a southern gentleman, considerably younger than herself, succeeded to her hand, and carried her to Charleston, where, after many uncomfortable years, she found herself again a widow. It would have been remarkable if any feeling had survived through such a life as Elsa's; it could not but be crushed and killed by the early disappointment of her first groom's demise, the icy duty of her second marriage, and the unkindness of her third husband, which had inevitably driven her to connect the idea of his death with that of her comfort. 

What is the most accurate description of Elsa's perception of marriage?

A. uncomfortable, but well-suited to Elsa
B. satisfactory and dull to Elsa
C. cold and damaging to Elsa
D. awful, but worth it to Elsa

C. Cold and damaging to Elsa


Please revise the following passage, primarily using conjunctions. You must include each correct conjunction for credit. 

It was a brisk, autumn day. The birds were chirping. The sun was shining. I was bored. I decided to take a walk in the park. It was lovely for a while. It soon started to pour. I had not brought a jacket. It had been a beautiful day. 

It was a brisk autumn day. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining. I was bored, so I decided to take a walk in the park. It was lovely for a while, but it soon started to poor. I had not brought a jacket, because it had been a beautiful day. 


When Kaitlin got to Patrick's apartment, she took a look around and saw several half-filled cans of soda and some cooked chicken breasts that had gone bad in a pan in the kitchen. She also noticed that all of the lights and televisions were on and that Patrick wasn't home.

We can reasonably infer that Patrick is...

  1. Careless
  2. Sympathetic
  3. Obsessive
  4. Careful
  5. Observant

1. Careless


What is the theme of the following short passage? You must echo the question for credit!

Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.”

The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.”

The theme of this passage is that nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems.

The theme of this passage is to take the highs with the lows.

The theme of this passage is to roll with the punches.

The theme of this passage is that every cloud has a silver lining and every silver lining has a touch of grey. 


Published in 1962, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring began a national debate that changed Americans' attitudes toward the environment. Carson, originally a marine biologist, had begun noticing the adverse effects of pesticides on various ecosystems. In her book, she documents the effects of DDT, a pesticide that was then popular for agricultural use. In the environment, Carson noted the collapse of food chains and the decline of bird, fish, and other animal populations; in humans, effects of DDT include a higher risk of cancer and other illnesses.

What is the most likely meaning of adverse in the passage?

1. Valuable

2. Harmful

3. Subtle

4. Obvious

2. Adverse (adj): Harmful
