Can be defined as all the mental process that occurs due to intellect and racionality.
To construct a judgement, simple propositions must be composed of three elements, which are...
Subject, Couple and Predicate
Affirms that what is, is. Every statement is identical to itself. Its logical form is P=P
Principle of identity
Where is the subject of the conclusion
Minor premiss
Its the fallacy that used when it is intented to offer the ignorance of something as an explanation to evade responsability.
Appeal to ignorance
It is the intellectual capacity that is responsible for interrelating different views to solve problems
Argumentation and Arguments are...
The object of study of logic
Nothing can be and not be at the same time, because its falls in a sense and causes confusion.
Principle of non-contradiction
Its serves as comparison between both premises.
Middle term
This fallacy occurs when an idea or argument is not analyzed but is taken for granted as correct and valid for having been issued by a person or institution with a supposed recognition on this subject.
Appeal to authority
Comes from the latin conceptum, which means to conceive, this also means the mental representation of an object.
Argumentation not only serves to persuade, it also helps us...
not to adopt a single vision of things or with assumptions
It tells us that by having two statements that contradict each other, necesarily one of them must be false and the other true.
Principle of excluded middle
Is where the relation between S and P is established
Analyzing formaly valid reasoning based on the propositions.
Propositional logic
The formation of concepts is done through a process called...
Various observations made about the same fact or object, so that the conclusion is a statement that can be generalized to all cases that share the properties observed so far.
Inductive inference
It is necessary to have foundations, based on other knowledge or reasons already demonstrated
Principle of sufficient reason
Are incorrect reasoning because they appear to comply with validity and logical principles, although when analyzing them, these compliment is not true.
Relationships between a quantity and the propositions, distinguishing between individuals and their predicates.
Quantificational logic
It is a complex mental operation that enunciates the relationship that exists between two or more concepts.
Leads to necessary conclusions; part of the facts and absolute security.
Deductive inference
Where is the predicate of the conclusion
Major premiss
Is a fallacy that exposes and idea that moves the feeling or pity instead of offering reasons.
Appeal to emotions
Indicates the belonging or non-belonging of an element within a set, according to the properties it shares with it. It is very frequent its use for the formulation of scientific models under the mathematical theory of sets.
Class logic