Module 10: Making More Cells
Module 11: DNA Structure & Replication
Module 12: Meiosis & Sexual Reproduction
Case Studies: Cells Go Rogue & Nowhere to Hide
Exam 1 & 2 Review: Modules 1-9

10.1: True/False: Sister chromatids are matched pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism.


* This is the definition of homologous chromosomes

* The definition of sister chromatids is "identical pairs of DNA molecules that are firmly attached to a shared centromere"


11.1: True/False: Purines have a double ring structure with a 6 membered ring fused to a 5 membered ring and include A & G. 


* Pyrimidines = smaller in size and have a single six membered ring structure and include C & T


12.1: True/False: Mitosis shares a lot of similarities with meiosis I.



Cells Go Rogue: True/False: The 2 hit hypothesis supports why cancer deaths were observed with an increased rate from younger to older ages.


* This is the Multi Mutation Theory on Cancer = the incidence of cancer might increase with age due to a multiple mutation mechanism with mutations that are accumulated over time resulting in cancer

* 2 Hit Hypothesis = further confirms that 2 mutated genes are required to initiate the onset of hereditary retinoblastoma cancer cases and supports that a single mutation does not necessarily result in cancer


Exam 1 (Module 2): True/False: Nonpolar covalent bonds form between 2 atoms of the same element or between different elements that share electrons equally.


* Polar Covalent = electrons are unequally shared by the atoms and are attracted more to one nucleus than the other


10.2: Which stage of mitosis is referred to as "the change phase"?


* Prophase = 1st Phase

* Anaphase = Upward Phase

* Telophase = Distance Phase


11.3: Telomeres are located at the (begining/end) of linear chromosomes which have repetitive sequences that (do/do not code) for a particular gene.

End of Chromosomes - Do NOT Code

* These protect the coding genes from getting deleted as cells continue to divide

* Telomerase = contains a catalytic part and a built in RNA template


12.2: What type of organisms undergo plasmogamy in their life cycle.


*Plasmogamy = individual cells of the hyphae of 2 different individual fungi that fuse with each other


Nowhere to Hide: What process utilizes ddNTPs?

Sanger Sequencing

* Involved in making many copies of a target DNA piece 

* Utilizes similar ingredients to those needed for DNA replication or PCR


Exam 1 (Module 5): What type of solution occurs when there is more solute and less free water (high osmolarity).



10.3: Which checkpoint has the role of ensuring that all of the chromosomes have been replicated and that the replicated DNA is not damaged?

G2 Checkpoint

*G1 Checkpoint = determines whether all conditions are favorable for cell division to proceed & check for genomic DNA damage

*M Checkpoint = determines whether all the sister chromatids are correctly attached to spindle microtubules


11.1: If there are 160 base pairs and 30 are As how many are Cs?

C & G = 50

A & T = 30


12.1: What is the term for the physical links between the non-sister chromatids within the homologous pair?



Nowhere to Hide: What is referred to as the "fingerprints" of human DNA?

Short Tandem Repeats (STRs)

* Short DNA fragments with repetitive units that are heritable and variable among individuals (individual specific)


Exam 2 (Module 9): What enzyme is used in glycolysis to convert G-6-P into F-6-P?


* An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of a molecule into one of its isomers


10.4: What is the term for segments of DNA that code for negative regulator proteins, the type of regulators that, when activated, can prevent the cell from undergoing uncontrolled division.

Tumor Suppressor Genes

* It puts up a roadblock to cell cycle progression until certain events are completed

* Common ones = Rb, p53, & p21


11.4: What are the 3 types of point mutations?

Silent = occurs when the substitution does not alter the amino acid sequence of the resulting protein

Missense = occurs when the substitution results in a different amino acid becoming a part of the protein and is likely to alter the protein's structure/function

Nonsense = results in the alteration of the sequence to include a stop codon to create a truncated or unexpressed protein


12.2: List any 2 forms of asexual reproduction.





Nowhere to Hide: What are 2 of the 3 steps of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?

Denaturation = heat is used to separate the DNA strands and single stranded DNA templates are prepared

Annealing = the test tube is cooled down to enable the reaction (primers can bind to complementary sequences on the DNA template to serve as a starting point of DNA synthesis

Extension = the reaction temperature is raised to enable bacterial Taq polymerase to synthesize the new strands of DNA extending from the primers


Exam 1 (Module 5): What intercellular junction is used as channels between adjacent animal cells that allows for transport?

Gap Junctions


10.3: List 1 negative regulator and 1 positive regulator of the cell and state which is which.


* Cyclins & CDKs = these are responsible for the process of the cell through various checkpoints (only regulate when tightly bound)


*Retinoblastoma Proteins (Rb) = a group of tumor suppressor proteins common in many cells that exerts its regulatory influence on other positive regulator proteins (binds to inactivate E2F)

* p53 = multifunctional protein that has a major impact on the commitment of a cell to division because it acts when there is damaged DNA in cells that are undergoing the preparatory processes during G1 (triggers the production of p21)


11.2: List any 3 enzymes that are used in DNA replication.

Helicase = responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases resulting in the unwinding of DNA

DNA Polymerases = can add nucleotides that are complementary to the template strand one by one to the growing DNA chain

RNA Primase = synthesizes a nucleotide complementary to the RNA primer for the DNA polymerase to extend

Topoisomerase = prevents overwinding by causing temporary nicks in the DNA helix and then replacing them

DNA Ligase = seals the gaps between the Okazaki fragments to create one continuous DNA strand


12.1: During which phase do sister chromatids separate and during which phase do homologous chromosomes separate?

Homologous Chromosomes = Anaphase I

Sister Chromatids = Anaphase II


Cells Go Rogue: List any 3 characteristics of cancerous cells.

Abnormal Nuclei

Loss of Anchorage & Contact Inhibition

Uncontrollable Growth

No Apoptosis

Lack of Differentiation



Exam 2 (Module 8): List any 3 electron carriers in the photosynthetic ETC.

Photosystem II

Plastoquinone (PQ)

Oxygen Evolving Complex (OEC)

Cytochrome B6F

Plastocyanin (PC)

Photosystem I

Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase
