The most popular video game franchise
What is Pokemon?
The poorly drawn version of Sonic used in memes.
What is Sanic?
Kanye West's recent album.
What is Jesus is Life?
Popular mid-2000s to early-2010s TV show starring Joshua Radnor as the main character.
What is How I Met Your Mother?
The most subscribed to channel on YouTube
What is T-Series?
The only game where the reversible cover appears on a re-release.
What is Doom?
Pack in game for the original Wii console.
What is Wii Sports?
Popular fan song for this game made into a TikTok trend.
What is Overwatch?
Recent controversial movie based around popular Batman villain.
What is Joker?
The trend on YouTube where, if you die in Minecraft, you delete the world. Popularised by Ph1lza.
What is Hardcore?
GTA inspired monster hunting game franchise.
What is The Witcher?
Best Pepsi Max flavour.
What is Pepsi Max Cherry?
The name for a piece of media's music.
What is OST or Original Sound Track?
Lowest rated movie on IMDB.
What is Disaster Movie?
Popular book series turned movie series started by Book "The ___ Runner"
What is maze?
Popular video game from 2017 which uses the primary colour red as a theme.
What is Persona 5?
My Hero Academia character Gran...
Popular all-female band famous for their song "Shoutout to my ex." and many others.
Who are Little Mix?
Highest grossing movie as of November 2019.
What is Avengers: Endgame?
Greek God who carries the world on his shoulders.
Who is Atlus?
Recent remake of Game Boy colour game.
What is Link's Awakening?
Developer of Super Smash Bros. and Kirby.
Who is Masahiro Sakurai?
Award for the best music at The Game Awards.
What is Best Score?
Recently cancelled and longest running sitcom at 13 seasons.
What is The Big Bang Theory?
The now famous video calling out YouTuber James Charles
What is "Bye Sister"?