When should a time off request be submitted
2 weeks prior
The meal is recorded at
Point of Service
What app do we use
What is the first thing you do when entering the classroom
Wash hands
What is the ratio for children under 1
What is the shirt dress code
Little Believer's Academy logo shirt
What time is breakfast served
7:30 am
How often do we update kidreports
What do we do when children are in centers
Get down on their level and interact and ask open ended question
What is the ratio for 1 year olds
What is the pants dress code
Black or brown pants and jeans on Friday
What time is lunch served
11:00 am
How often are pictured required per week
2 min
When should name to face be done
Every transition/Every hour/ Upon children entering classroom
What is the ratio for 2 year olds
what is the shoe dress code
closed toe shoes
How do you record Point of service
with a black pen X
When do we Facetime parents in the classroom
Children lined up to go outside
Count children
What is the ratio for 3 year olds
When should a cellphone be used in the classroom
Snack is served at what time
When do we call parents regarding behavior
We refer to the admin to support before making phone call
What do we follow during naptime and the end of the time
Cleaning checklist
You have a mixed classroom with 3 = 2 year olds
4 = 3 year olds 3 = 4 year olds and you are the only teacher. What is your ratio
1:9 you go by the youngest child in care.