Do I Want to Be a Teacher?
Educational Foundations
Educational Vocabulary

You’re a 7th grade English teacher in your second year of teaching in a middle school. Of the following, the best example of an intrinsic reward for you is likely to be: 

a.    a salary supplement for sponsoring the school yearbook. 

b.    a high school senior coming back to visit you.

c.    a two-week winter holiday vacation. 

d.    tenure after your third year of teaching. 

b.    a high school senior coming back to visit you.


Consider the following ethnic groups: Hispanics, African Americans, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Non-Hispanic White. Experts estimate that by 2020 significant increases in the percentage of the school population will occur in each of these groups except one, and this one will decrease in percentages. The group that will decrease in percentage is:

a.    Hispanic. 

b.    African American. 

c.    Asian/Pacific Islander. 

d.    American Indian/Alaskan Native. 

e.    Non-Hispanic White. 

e.    Non-Hispanic White.


Public school officials are not allowed to mandate prayer in their schools. Which of the following best explains why officials are not allowed to mandate prayers?

a.    The Land Ordinance of 1785, which called for a secular versus a religious orientation for public education

b.    The Old Deluder Satan Act, which established the principle of non-religious public education. 

c.    The First Amendment to the Constitution established the principle of separation of church and stated.    The 10th Amendment to the Constitution that mandated that education be largely governed by the states instead of the federal government

c.    The First Amendment to the Constitution that established the principle of separation of church and state


Of the following, which most influences the curriculum?

a.    States and local districts

b.    Professional organizations

c.    The individual teacher

d.    Textbooks 

c.    The individual teacher


The use of physical, punitive disciplinary actions to correct student misbehavior.

What is corporal punishment


Regular salary increases are best described as an:

a.    intrinsic reward in teaching. 

b.    an essential characteristic of professionalism. 

c.    extrinsic reward in teaching. 

d.    intellectual reward in teaching. 

c.    extrinsic reward in teaching.


Three of the programs listed below are types of ELL programs. The one that is not an ELL program is a(n): 

a.    immersion program. 

b.    assimilation ELL program. 

c.    maintenance ELL program. 

d.    ESL pullout program.      

b.    assimilation ELL program.


The Supreme Court decision that made the policy,” separate but equal” illegal was: 

a.    the Civil Rights Act. 

b.    Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka 

c.    Title IX. 

d.    the National Defense Education Act. 

b.    Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka


The process of focusing the curriculum on predetermined goals or benchmarks that identify the content students should understand and the skills they should have after completing an area of study is best described as: 

a.    an explicit curriculum. 

b.    an implicit curriculum. 

c.    content-driven education. 

d.    standards-based education. 

d.    standards-based education.


Manuals providing guidance for implementing the content standards.

What are frameworks


Of the following, which is the most important teacher role? 

a.     Working with parents and other caregivers

b.    Collaborating with colleagues

c.    Working with school administrators

d.    Creating productive learning environments

d.    Creating productive learning environments


Students’ changing conceptions of right and wrong best describe which of the following?

a.    Cognitive development

b.    Moral development

c.    Personal development

d.    Social development 

b.    Moral development


Some schools strongly emphasize basic skills, such as reading, writing, math, and now, even computer literacy.  The educational philosophy most closely associated with this emphasis is: 

a.    perennialism. 

b.    essentialism. 

c.    progressivism. 

d.    social reconstructionism.

b.    essentialism.


Which of the following best describes essential teaching skills?

a.    The skills that veteran teachers acquire after approximately three years of teaching experience

b.    The skills that teachers who complete traditional teacher preparation programs acquire, but that people who complete alternative licensure programs do not. 

c.    The abilities that teachers acquire from their university courses, which are then more fully developed by their experiences in classrooms 

d.    The abilities that all teachers, including those in their     first year of teaching, should have in order to help     students learn 

d.    The abilities that all teachers, including those in their first year of teaching, should have in order to  help  students learn 


A set of instructional strategies used to help learners meet specific objectives in structured groups.

What is cooperative learning


Jenna, a first-year teacher, is frazzled at the beginning of class because she has to take roll, mark the absentee sheet, deal with students who were absent yesterday, and prepare for her class. This best illustrates which aspect of classroom complexity?

a.    Public

b.    Multidimensional

c.     Unpredictable

d.     Dynamic

b.    Multidimensional


If you have students with exceptionalities in your classes, into which of the following categories are they most likely to fall?

a.    Students with visual impairments

b.    Students with mental retardation

c.    Students with learning disabilities

d.    Students with behavioral disorders 

c.    Students with learning disabilities


Which of the following is the most likely reason that some content areas, such as science, are typically de-emphasized in elementary schools? 

a.    Elementary teachers are often uncomfortable teaching all the content areas, so some, such as science, are de-emphasized. 

b.    Some content areas, such as science, are viewed as unimportant for elementary students, so they’re de-emphasized. 

c.    The developmental characteristics of young children prevent them from being able to learn some content areas, such as science, in-depth, so they’re de-emphasized. 

d.    Teaching some content areas, such as science, is very expensive,     so schools de-emphasize these areas. 

a.    Elementary teachers are often uncomfortable teaching all the content areas, so some, such as science, are de-emphasized.


Of the following, which best describes the relationship between learning, motivation, and well-managed classrooms compared to classrooms where students are less orderly?

a.    Students learn more and are more motivated to learn in well-managed classrooms. 

b.    Students learn more in well-managed classrooms, but their motivation is slightly decreased. 

c.    Students’ motivation is increased in well-managed classrooms, but they learn slightly less. 

d.    Low-achieving students learn more in well-managed classrooms, but high-achieving students learn slightly less. 

a.    Students learn more and are more motivated to learn in well-managed classrooms.


The match between learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments.

What is instructional alignment


Teaching skills, such as questioning, or the ability to organize and maintain orderly classrooms is best described as: 

a.    knowledge of content.

b.    pedagogical content knowledge. 

c.    general pedagogical knowledge. 

d.    knowledge of learners and learning. 

c.    general pedagogical knowledge.


The major difference between mainstreaming and inclusion is:

a.    inclusion addresses both cognitive and social adaptations,     whereas mainstreaming does not. 

b.    mainstreaming is designed to help teachers accelerate learning for students with exceptionalities, whereas inclusion is not. 

c.    mainstreaming is intended to provide support, within the classroom, for regular classroom teachers, whereas inclusion does not provide these services. 

d.    inclusion provides a comprehensive web of services for learners with exceptionalities, whereas mainstreaming does not.

d.    inclusion provides a comprehensive web of services for learners with exceptionalities,     whereas mainstreaming does not.


A group of parents on your school advisory council believe that individual student prayer should be allowed in the school cafeteria, believing that expressions of religious belief promote a positive emotional climate in the school. If the issue is settled in a way that is consistent with legal precedent, which of the following is the most likely conclusion?

a.    Prayer will be allowed if the prayer is approved by a school administrator. 

b.    Prayer will be allowed if it is generic (isn’t associated with a     specific religion). 

c.    Prayer will be allowed if it is initiated by a student and doesn’t interfere with other students or the functioning of the school. 

d.    Prayer will not be allowed under any circumstances. 

c.    Prayer will be allowed if it is initiated by a student and doesn’t interfere with other students or the functioning of the school.


Which of the following statements best describes the difference between classroom procedures and classroom rules? 

a.    Students are often reinforced for following classroom rules,     but they aren’t reinforced for following classroom procedures. 

b.    Classroom procedures describe acceptable behaviors, whereas classroom rules describe unacceptable behaviors. 

c.    Classroom procedures describe routines to be followed,     whereas classroom rules describe standards for acceptable behavior. 

d.    Classroom procedures focus on a management approach to developing an orderly classroom, whereas classroom rules focus on a disciplined approach to developing an orderly classroom.  

c.    Classroom procedures describe routines to be followed, whereas classroom rules describe standards for acceptable behavior.


An approach that combines service to the community with content-learning objectives.

What is service learning
