Cell Structure and Function
Mechanisms of Genetics
Biological Evolution and Classification
Biological processes and Systems
Interdependence w/in Environmental Systems

These are the oldest types of cells on Earth and have no nucleus or organelles

What is prokarytoic?


There are two sets of complimentary bases in a strand of DNA

What is C-G and A-T? 


Charles Darwin proposed that organisms with better adaptations for their environment will be the ones most likely to pass down their traits to future generations and survive.  

What is natural selection?


The cardiovascular system of the lungs and heart refers to the interaction between these two body systems.

What is the circulatory and respiratory systems?


Rebuilding an ecosystem after a wild fire is referred to as this.

What is secondary ecological succession?


The cell membrane allowing water to diffuse into a cell in a hypotonic environment is an example of this process

What is homeostasis?


A change in the DNA sequence such as: 

TGA being changed to TGC

What is a point mutation?  What is a substitution?


Similarities in bone strucutures between birds and reptiles suggest they had this.

What is a common ancestor?


This function occurs in the interaction of the muscular, digestive, and circulatory systems.

What is energy in the proccessing and absorption?

What is food or nutrient in the processing and absorption?


After the retreat of a glacier, these organisms (like lichens and mosses) will begin to grow and prepare the rock and soil for more diverse plant growth.


What are pioneer spieces?


Diffusion does not require energy, but moving a protein into a cell in in this mode does.

What is active transport?


The three parts to a nucleotide

What is the sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base?


Paleontologists state this indicates that organisms where once simple, but have increased in diversity and complexity over millions of years.

What is the fossil record?


These two vessel types transport water and food throughout the plant.

What are xylem and phloem?


“I’m on you like a tick on a dog” refers to this type organism relationship.

What is parasitism?


Both cells and viruses contain this type of biomolecule.

What is DNA or RNA? or What is a nucleic acid?


If blue eyes are recessive, and I have blue eyes, then I must be this in my alleles.

What is homozygous?


The closer the branches of certain species on an evolutionary tree, the closer they are in this.

What is genetic code or  What is DNA?


Blood vessels in humans and phloem vessels in plants serve this function.

What is transport of nutrients?


This trophic level contains the smallest percentage of solar energy converted to food by producers.

What are tertiary consumers, carnivores, or 4th trophic level?


DNA replication occurs during this part of the cell cycle.

What is S-phase? or What is interphase?


Brown hair is dominant to blonde hair.  Both parents are heterozygous.  This is the chance their child will have blonde hair.

What is 25% or What is 1/4? or What is 0.25?


The black bear and the polar bear have all the same classification levels except this one.

What is Species?


Ovulation in female humans and seed development in flowering plants are caused by this type of biomolecule.

What are hormones?


Nitrogen-based fertilizers are washed into a local lake increasing the algae population. This fish population will be affected in this way.

What is decrease or become unstable?
