What is YA?
Curious Incident
The Hate U Give

The targeted age group of young adult literature according to Jen Doll of The Wire

What is 12-18 year olds


Reason Junior's dad kills Oscar

What is the family is out of money. 


The central idea of "Life on the Reservation":

  1. Life on reservations has vastly improved due to the involvement of the United States government.
  2. Native Americans continue to face significant challenges on reservations that negatively impact their quality of life.
  3. Most Native Americans eventually leave reservations due to the lack of opportunity and unsafe environments.
  4. While reservation schools have less funding, they are more successful due to their integration of Native American cultures in the classroom.

What is B (Native Americans continue to face significant challenges on reservations that negatively impact their quality of life


Known as England's subway system

What is the tube


The media reports that the police may have found a gun in Khalil’s car. Reality shows this item. 

What is a hairbrush


YA Literature is a genre; true or false

What is false (YA Literature is a category)


Two-part question!

The night of the dance, Junior's secret is revealed along with this reaction from his friends

What is (1) Junior is poor and (2) supportive


Why did Yul Kwon agree to join the cast of Survivor?

  1. Because Kwon wanted to win the $1 million cash prize
  2. Because Kwon was tired of law school and wanted a new challenge
  3. Because Kwon wanted to embody the role model he had missed out on as a child
  4. Because Kwon was opposed to the way Survivor had cast Asian Americans in the past

What is C (Kwon wanted to embody the role model he missed as a child)


From sight, Christopher would be able to recognize this facial expression

What is sadness


The stereotype Starr says she wants to avoid at Williamson Prep

What is the angry black girl 


The first wave of young adult books (called the first golden age) occurred in the 1970’s. From the list identify a key author in the first golden age: 

  1. Robert Cormier

  2. Stephanie Meyer

  3. Sherman Alexie

  4. Mark Haddon

Who is Robert Cormier


Junior is _______ to see his report card at the end of the story.

ecstatic; destined; bulimic; fisticuffs

What is ecstatic


A "three-dimensional character" is

  1. An actor who can successfully play three different kinds of roles
  2. A character who is believable and complex
  3. A character who is simple and unexplained
  4. A character who becomes the most popular

What is B (believable and complex)


Four red cars in a row

What is a good day


Khalil listens to this rapper right before One-Fifteen pulls him over with Starr in the car. 

Who is Tupac


According to Dr. Marshall George, Young Adult Literature is not called Adolescent Literature due to this reason among experts.

What are negative connotations


Who said it: “If you care about something enough, it’s going to make you cry. But you have to use it. Use your tears. Use your pain. Use your fear. Get mad. Arnold, get mad.”

Who is Coach


Which of the following quotes best supports the idea of why Arnold switched sides?

  1. "He built himself into a genuine war hero, then died penniless in exile from the country he once loved.” (Paragraph 1)
  2. "An intensely loyal and brave man, he made a brilliant battlefield commander….” (Paragraph 2)
  3. "The more he learned about Peggy, the more Arnold discovered that she had many powerful pro-British friends and was really an enemy of American independence. Thus began the spiral for Benedict Arnold….” (Paragraph 18)
  4. "His bitterness about being ignored, passed over for promotions, and relegated to military commander of a city instead of a group of soldiers boiled over when stirred by his new wife’s anti-American sentiments and pro-British contacts.” (Paragraph 19)

What is D (ignored, passed over, and degraded)


Christopher's favorite book

What is The Hounds of Baskerville


During Starr’s interview with Diane Carey, what question does Starr say she would ask One-Fifteen if he were there?

  1. Do you regret killing Khalil?

  2. Did you really think Khalil had a gun?

  3. Do you wish you’d shot me, too?

  4. Why are you always lying?

What is "Do you wish you'd shot me, too?"


 “The term ‘young adult literature’ is inherently amorphous, for it’s constituent terms ‘young adult’ and ‘literature’ are dynamic.” Based on the quote by Michael Cart, a writer for YALSA, ‘young adult literature’ is all about this idea. 

What is change


Identify the theme: “You were right to throw that book at me. I deserved to get smashed in the face for what I’ve done to Indians. Every white person on this rez should get smashed in the face. But, let me tell you this. All the Indians should get smashed in the face, too.”

What is inequality


Which detail from the text best supports the central idea of "How Autism Freed Me"?

  1. “He's nonverbal. He can't talk at all. But I love to talk. People often associate autism with liking maths and science and nothing else, but I know so many autistic people who love being creative.” (Paragraph 2)
  2. “And this doesn't normally happen in this day and age, but it can be that people don't want to be friends with the autistic girl.” (Paragraph 4)
  3. “It can be that people don't want to associate with anyone who won't or can't fit themselves into a box that's labeled normal.” (Paragraph 4)
  4. “All in all, I wouldn't trade my autism and my imagination for the world. Because I am autistic, I've presented documentaries to the BBC” (Paragraph 6)

What is D (All in all, I wouldn't trade my autism and my imagination for the world. Because I am autistic, I've presented documentaries to the BBC).


The second mystery Christopher solves

What is the author of the letters


The rally cry Starr leads at the protest

What is "Kahlil Lived"
