The positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What are protons?
A one or two-letter representation of an element.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a chemical symbol?
A class of elements characterized by physical properties that include shininess, malleability, ductility, and conductivity.
What is a metal?
An element that lacks most of the properties of a metal. **DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a nonmetal?
Nuclear radiation made of high-energy waves.
What are gamma rays?
The negatively charged particles that circle the nucleus of an atom.
What are electrons?
The chart of the elements showing the repeating pattern of their properties.
What is the periodic table?
An element in Group 1 of the periodic table with one valence electrons.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is an alkali metal?
An element that has some characteristics of both metals and nonmetals. **DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a metalloid?
A fast-moving electron that is given off as nuclear radiation.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is beta particle?
The electrically neutral particles in the nucleus of the atom.
What are neutrons?
A gas-like state of matter consisting of a mixture of free electrons and atoms that are stripped of their electrons.
What is plasma?
A term used to describe material that can be pounded into shapes. **DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is malleable?
A molecule consisting of two atoms. (nonmetals)
What is a diatomic molecule?
Nuclear radiation consisting of two protons and two neutrons.
What is an alpha particle?
An atom with the same number of protons and a different number of neutrons.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is an isotope?
Elements in the same vertical column of the periodic table; also called a family.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a group?
A term used to describe a material that can be pulled out into a long wire.
What is ductile?
An element in Group 18 of the periodic table, including neon.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a noble gas?
A radioactive isotope that can be followed through the steps of a chemical reaction or industrial process.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a tracer?
The sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
What is the mass number? (atomic mass)
A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table.
What is a period?
One of the elements in Groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table.**DOUBLE JEOPARDY**
What is a transition metal?
An element found in Group 17 of the periodic table, including chlorine.
What is a halogen?
During radiation therapy radiation is used to kill these.
What is unhealthy cells?