The phase, “Just keep swimming” comes from what movie?
What is Finding Nemo
What important document was signed in 1776
What is the Declaration of Independence
How many points do you loose for chewing gum?
What is 1 point
What’s grumpy cat’s real name?
What is Tartar sauce
What fruit does Spongebob live in?
What is a Pineapple
What was the first Disney movie to ever be released?
What is snow white
Who discovered America
Who is Christopher Columbus
How many points do you need to attend the end of the year field trip and go to promotion?
What is 90 points
Pepe is actually what animal?
What is a Frog
Why is Patrick so dumb?
Because he lives under a rock
Who is the youngest Disney princess
Who is Snow White (she’s 14)
Who was the first president to appear on TV
Who is Franklin D Roosevelt
How many point do you loose if you “Pants” someone. (Pull down their pants)
What is 3 points
What belongs in the blank spot in the phrase “It’s ______ my dudes”
What is Wednesday
Whos SpongeBobs alter ego?
Who is Doodle Bob
Who is the only Disney princess that isn’t actual royalty
Who is Mulan
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Who is Thomas Jefferson
How many points do you loose for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school?
What is 5 points
What is the proper response when an old person goes on a tangent about younger generations
What is “Ok Boomer”
What’s Mr Crabs favorite thing
What is money
What’s Walt Disney’s favorite piece of animated work?
When Cinderella’s rags turn into a ball gown
What’s Uncle Sam’s real name
What is Samuel Wilson
How much does it cost to replace an ID card?
What is $6.00
What was declared “Meme of the Decade”
What is Doge
What ocean does Spongebob take place in?
What the Pacific Ocean