Self Advocacy

This is a structured class where students focus on self-awareness, and career & educational exploration utilizing a variety of instruments and tools.

A. What is Driver Education?

B. What is Advisory?

C. What is Physical Education?

D. What is History?

What is Advisory?


An assessment is an evaluation and involves making a judgment about something. It can be used to measure what someone knows or has learned.

True or False

What is True?


Learning, emotional or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (school, work, living, leisure)

A. What are Soft Skills?

B. What is Disability?

C. What is Open-Mindedness?

What is Disability?


How we send and receive messages/information.

A. What is Communication?

B. What is Self-Advocacy?

C. What is Self-Awareness?

D. What is Decision Making?

What is Communication?


Effectively communicating one's rights, needs, and desires and taking responsibility for decision making that impacts one's life

A. What is Communication?

B. What is Self-Advocacy?

D. What is Decision Making?

What is Self-Advocacy?


Pre-Vocational work experience for freshman & sophomore students at Cove. Students work one day each week for a 30-minute shift.

A. What is the School Store?

B. What is an Internship?

C. What is a Job Coach?

What is the School Store


An assessment of your likes and dislikes. A tool that helps identify jobs or careers based on your interests.

A. What is a Career Interest Inventory?

B. What is an Independent Living Survey?

C. What is a Learning Style Inventory?

What is a Career Interest Inventory?


Programs that address the needs of students with learning, emotional, or physical disabilities.

A. What is Disability?

B. What is an IEP?

C. What is Special Education?

What is Special Education?


This involves any type of message that makes use of the written word (text, email, handwriting, print)

A. What is Non-Verbal Communication?

B. What is Written Communication?

C. What is Verbal Communication?

What is Written Communication?


Having a clear understanding of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions.

A. What is Communication?

C. What is Self-Awareness?

D. What is Decision Making?

What is Self-Awareness?


An unpaid work experience available to juniors (in school) & seniors (outside of school). Typically 2 days each week for 1.5 hours each day.

A. What is the School Store?

B. What is an Internship?

C. What is a Job Coach?

What is an Internship?


A questionnaire that asks questions about your level of independence in areas such as money management, health, independent living, transportation, employment, postsecondary education, and social/interpersonal skills.

A. What is a Career Interest Inventory?

B. What is an Independent Living Survey?

C. What is a Learning Style Inventory?

 What is an Independent Living Survey?


IEP stands for

A. Individualized Educational Party

B. Individualized Educational Plan

C. Independent Esteem Plan

 What is Individualized Educational Plan


Communication without the use of spoken language. This includes symbols, gestures, facial expressions, and body language

A. What is Non-Verbal Communication?

B. What is Written Communication?

C. What is Verbal Communication?

What is Non-Verbal Communication?


The process of making a choice of finding a solution

A. What is Communication?

B. What is Self-Advocacy?

C. What is Self-Awareness?

D. What is Decision Making?

What is Decision Making?


This is someone who helps a person with a disability be successful in a specific job. They may help train the person with a disability in job skills and then provide supervision and support.

A. What is the School Store?

B. What is an Internship?

C. What is a Job Coach?

 What is a Job Coach?


A questionnaire to help identify your preferred method of instruction; how you learn best.

A. What is a Career Interest Inventory?

B. What is an Independent Living Survey?

C. What is a Learning Style Inventory?


What is a Learning Style Inventory?


This law is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on your disability.

A. What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

B. What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

C. What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


The use of sounds and words to express yourself. Components are volume and tone

A. What is Non-Verbal Communication?

B. What is Written Communication?

C. What is Verbal Communication?

 What is Verbal Communication?


Self-Esteem refers to how you feel about yourself overall; how much positive regard or self-love you have.

True or False

What is True?


What is Post-Secondary Education?

A. Any education or training following high school

B. College

C. Going to work 

What is any education or training following high school?


What are the 3 Learning Styles and what do they mean?





This Act was the first disability civil rights law to be enacted in the United States. It prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. It works together with the ADA and IDEA to protect children and adults with disabilities from exclusion, and unequal treatment in schools, jobs, and the community.

A. What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

B. What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

C. What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?


Technical skills and knowledge (reading/math) to do a particular task or job function. These skills are taught. They are specific to each job such as sweeping, typing, stocking, and cash register operation.

A. What are Soft Skills?

B. What are Hard Skills?

What are Hard Skills?


Believing you can control your own life by knowing about yourself; setting goals, sharing goals, selecting support people/services, and making choices

A. What is Self-Awareness?

B. What is Self-Determination?

C. What is Self-Advocacy?

What is Self-Determination?


In Advisory, you work with your transition counselor to plan for life AFTER HIGH SCHOOL.

What is this called?

A. What is Post-Secondary Education?

B. What is Transition Planning?

C. What is Speech-Language services

What is Transition Planning?


Goals written in the IEP that describe what the student is expected to achieve over a one year period. The goals must be realistic, specific and measurable across a variety of areas

A. Class Goals

B. Annual IEP Goals

C. IEP Plan

What are Annual IEP Goals


This Act ensures students with a disability are provided with Free Appropriate Public Education that is tailored to their individual needs.

A. What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

B. What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

C. What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

 What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


Personality traits, social communication, organizational skills, time management, interpersonal skills, leadership skills that characterize relationships with other people. They typically speak to how well a person interacts with others. They are often called "People Skills"

A. What are Hard Skills?

B. What are Soft Skills?

What are Soft Skills?


List the 3 parts to becoming an effective Self-Advocate

Knowing yourself

Knowing your needs

Knowing how to get what you need


In Advisory class you will spend 4 years learning about how to be more independent.

What does the word independent mean?

Not requiring or relying on others (as for daily living needs or responsibilities?


This is the part of the IEP that describes how a student is currently performing. It can include test scores and describes the student's skills and abilities.

A. What are Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)

B. What is a modification?

C. What is an accommodation?

What are Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)


Explain the difference between a modification and an accommodation

A modification is a change in expectations or guidelines for assignments or assessments (Only answer the "odd-numbered" questions)

An accommodation is an adjustment, tool or a strategy to help an individual student complete their work and assessments (extended time, phonic ear, 1:1 device)


 Includes attentive listening (eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and a real interest in what the person is saying) It also includes reflection (repeat and paraphrase) 

A. What is Body Language?

B. What is Active Listening?

C. What is Tone?

What is Active Listening?


Please explain Conflict and Negotiating

Conflict is a difference of opinion that prevents agreement; a disagreement between ideas, feelings

Negotiating is a formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement.
