Regions of Texas
Native Americans

The 4 Physical Regions of Texas

What is

Blue = Gulf Coastal Plains

Green = North Central Plains

Red = Great Plains

Yellow = Mountains & Basins


This is what killed the majority of Native Americans.

What is diseases?


This is what was significant about the date 1519.

What is Pineda claimed Texas for the Spanish while mapping its coastline?


This is the 4 steps in the Mission System and where most of the missions in Texas were built.

What is missions, presidios, towns, ranchos?  What is in east Texas?


He is called the "Father of Texas" and was the first empresario of Texas with his first colony The Old 300.

Who is Stephen F. Austin?


This is the era that regions of Texas are discussed in.

What is Natural Texas & Its People?


This group of Native Americans was known for their success with horses and reliance on buffalo.  They would control the Great Plains until the 1890s.  Quanah Parker was one of their last great chiefs.

Who are the Comanche?


This is why the Spanish explored Texas.

What is Gold, Glory, God?

This was the first mission in West Texas (El Paso today)

What is the Yselta mission?  (Corpus Christi de Yselta)


He petitioned the Spanish to bring American colonist into Texas in 1820 before dying and leaving his son to have to convince Mexico to let the colony continue in 1821.

Who is Moses Austin?


This city is the capital of Texas.

This city is the 4th largest city in the United States, and one of the 10th busiest port cities in the world.

This city is the only major city in Mountains and Basins region of Texas.

This city was founded in 1718 with the Valero Mission and the Bexar Presidio.

What is Austin?

What is Houston?

What is El Paso?

What is San Antonio?


These tribes were nomadic.

What are the Apache, Comanche, Kawarkawas, & Atapachns?


This explorer was shipwrecked in Galveston while looking for Cibola and had to travel through Texas for 2 years to return to Mexico City.  

Who is Cabeza da Vaca?


This was the first mission in East Texas, and was built by this man.

What is San Francisco de los Tejas?  Who is Fray Damien Massanet?


He created the only Mexican empresario colony in Texas.

Who is Martin de Leon?


This is the river marked by a 2.

This is the river marked by a 4.

This is the river that acts as a boundary between Texas and Louisiana.

What is the Red River?

What is the Rio Grande River?

What is the Sabine River?


These tribes were Sedendary.

What are the Caddos, Wichita, Tonkawas, & Cohuiltechans?


This French explorer overshot the Mississippi River and landed in Texas creating Fort St. Louis.  He was killed by his own men and the fort was burned by the Karankawa.  He made the Spanish think their claim on Texas might be taken away.

Who is La Salle?


These were 2 successful mission.  The mission system worked in Mexico, but not in Texas.

What is Yselta and Valero (Alamo)?


He was a later empresario who founded the city of Gonzalez. 

Who is Green DeWitt?


These 2 important natural resources are found in all 4 regions.

The elevation does this when moving from east to west in Texas.

What is oil/petroleum & natural gas?

What is increases?


This group caused a lot of trouble for many Texas explorers and settlers.  They viewed Cabeza da Vaca as a shaman however and did not eat him.

This group had confederacies, dome shaped huts, and they are the reason the state is named Texas.

Who are the Karankawa?

Who are the Caddo?


This is why Cabeza da Vaca is significant.

He became the expert on Texas after being shipwrecked there and wrote a book about all the things he saw and did.


This was the primary reasons missions were built in Texas.

What is to secure Spanish claims to Texas and keep the French out?


If not for these 2 gentlemen Texas would not have seen the Austin colony occur changing the history of Texas.

Who are Baron da Bastrop & Erasmos Sequin?
