The supply station
What is where you get supplies
certainly not
How do we hold a laptop
What is close to your chest
Whats our room number
What is 202
Whats your teachers name?
What is Ms. Siefker
How does Ms. Siefker track behavior
What is class dojo
I go straight to my seat to unpack, when called I place belongings on hook (lunch in bin), and grab breakfast and begin morning work. This is know as
What is my morning/ entering routine
Show the sign for "I agree with you"[must demonstrate]
How many kids does your teacher have?
What is 3
Will the teacher ever call or write home for good reasons
Where do the girls line up and how
What is by girls closet and ALWAYS in line spot
What sign will let your teacher you need to use the bathroom
What is cross fingers
Whats your teachers favorite beverage
What is coffee
Where are cleaning supplies kept (show)
What is the sink area
What happens if you lose your pencil?
If I have to leave the classroom
What is must sign out and grab hall pass
Demonstrate all of the number talk hand signals
What word does your teacher ABSOLUTELY hate
What is Shut up
When can you wear a hoodie or hat in class
What is when I trade in dojo points
When should your mouth be closed
What is whenever my teacher is talking!!!
Which chart show our class Objectives (things were learning)
Show Objective chart
What are the names of your teachers children
What is Kaci, Matthew, and Brooke