Class Dos and Don'ts
Writing Skills
Unit 3 - Money
Life Skills

A new student asks:

"Can I use my phone in class?"

What will you tell them?


"Yes, but only when you need a dictionary, or using Xreading. If you need to make a call, you have to go outside."



When do we need to use capital letters in writing?


When we:

1) start a sentence

2) write a proper noun

3) use an acronym



Do you usually save money, or spend it? Why / Why not?

A: Personal choice.

Note: You need to use the key words in the question for this answer.


Write a story with your team in 2 minutes:

"What did you do last week?"

It must contain 6-10 Regular and Irregular Past Simple verbs.

Answer: Personal choice.


At the counter in 7/11 the cashier says:

"I can't take a $50 note. You only have $5 of stuff."

What will you say / do?

You could:

1) Offer to pay by card

2) Give the cashier a smaller note

3) Walk out and go to another store



"We're taking a break for 15 minutes, so can I eat in the classroom?"


"Sure, it's no problem. But you have to finish eating before the break is over."



Write the sentence below correctly:

"I leave in AUStralia, and share a house with my Boyfriend Pietro."


"I leave in Australia and share a house with my boyfriend Pietro."


Write down 5 collocations for each word:

1) Make

2) Do

3) Give

You could use:

1) Make - the bed, up your mind, a meal, tea, a call, money, a contribution, a mistake, a complaint, etc.

2) Do - my homework, karate, well, badly, a good job, business, nothing, the dishes, the washing, etc.

3) Give - a hand, someone advice, a speech, someone a chance, something a go, help, etc.


Finish the sentence:

"I _____ ______ been to Australia before."

What type of grammar is this?


"I have never been to Australia before."

It's Present Perfect.


You don't understand something in class because it's a difficult idea. 

What will you say / do?

You could:

1) Ask a student sitting near you

2) Check the word / idea in the textbook

3) Try to make your own example, then check with the teacher


Change of plan:

"I'm going to bring some beer tomorrow for the class party. What kind do you like?"

Answer: Explain that we cannot do that because it is 'illegal in Australia' or 'against the school rules'.



Insert line breaks and paragraph breaks in this email:

"Hey Jimmy, I'm just writing to see how you are doing. I have been really busy so I haven't had time to write until now. I hope everything is OK with you. In your last email you said you were going to visit me here in Melbourne, but I'm not sure that's a good idea. The weather is so hot here in January and I know you hate hot weather. So why don't you come in April instead? It will be cooler, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it more."


Line break: after 'Jimmy'

Paragraph break: after 'you'

Note: 'In your last email' is a new topic, so it needs to be a new paragraph.


Give your friend advice:

"I want to buy a house, but the one I want costs $500, 000. I only have $50, 000. What should I do?"

You could say:

1)"You should / could borrow some money from the bank."

2) "I can lend you the rest of the money."

3) "You should look for a less expensive house."


Finish the sentence:

"I have ____ finished my test, ____ I haven't ______ my name on my paper ____."


"I have just finished my test, but I haven't written my name on my paper yet."



You are sitting on a yellow seat on a train on the way to class. An elderly person walks into the carriage. What do you say / do?


Offer your seat to the elderly person. You should do this for social reasons, but also because in Melbourne, yellow train seats are for people who are elderly, pregnant, injured, 'those in need', etc.


There are 4 joining / linking words that Gerard always recommends that students use.

What are they, in the order that Gerard always says them?


And / So / But / Because


Multiple choice:

Which option is best for 'signing off' in a professional email?

1) Sincerely,

2) Regards

3) Yours faithfully,

4) Best regards


2) Regards or 4) Best regards


1) is personal, not professional

3) is very serious and old-fashioned



"I think it's important to always spend money having fun. I don't want to be old and rich, but never have done anything interesting."

Do you agree or disagree?

Answer: Personal choice.

Note: You need to give reasons why you agree / disagree. Pay attention to strong words like 'always' / 'never'. They are usually too strong.



Discuss with your team for 3 minutes:

"I think the Earth is already dying. Global warming is a serious problem, but world governments aren't taking it seriously yet. So doing things like recycling is pointless."

What does everyone think?

Answer: Team discussion with different opinions.



Your boss calls you at 8:40 am on Monday morning while you're sitting in your classroom. 

What do you say /do?

Answer: Personal choice, but you must make a decision or explain 2 options.



1) What do we always have to do for Xreading?

2) What kind of books should we read on Xreading?


1) Read 2000 words per week, write 100 words about the story, have an interview/discussion about the book(s).

2) Easy-to-read books with only a few new words, at any level that we like to read.


Writing (3 minutes):

With your team, write a text message conversation between 2 people organising a party.

Note: Your conversation chain must have at least 6 different messages in it.

Answer: Team personal style.


Disagree with this opinion:

"Giving money to charity is a waste of time and money. If other people have a difficult life, it's not my problem. So I don't need to help anyone."

Answer: Personal style, but must disagree.

Note: You need to use opposite language to the other person when you want to disagree.

Example: 'waste of money' -> ' a good thing to do with your money'


Planning an event (going to):

Your party is scheduled for next Saturday at your house. You need help setting up and you need to tell a friend what you need them to do for you.

Tell your friend what you and they are going to do to prepare.

Answer: Team preference, but must include at least 5 tasks for you and your friend, using 'going to'.


Situation (although / but / however):

Your friend wants to come and visit you in Melbourne, but doesn't have enough money for a plane ticket. They keep asking you if you can stay at your place when they visit. You live in a share house with 3 other people. 

What do you say / do?

Answer: Personal opinion using (although / but / however).
