name the worlds smartest scientist
name three things used in baseball
ball, base, bat, etc.
what is a shirt that fits like a bathing suit called
body suit
what is the biggest underwater animal
killer whale
what is the number one watched kid tv show on
sponge bob square pants
what is a worlds most popular pencil
#2 smart pencil
name one person in the NFL
chose by teacher
what is the most popular water bottle called
hydro flask
what is the worlds smallest dog named
Milly the Chihuahua
what tv show has two words and one begins with S and the other begins with T
Stranger Things
who wrote tell tale heart
edger allan poe
what baseball player lives in millville
Mike trout
what is something that is used as a hair tie but is poofy
what is a mammal and can carry 3 babies at most in it's pouch
a kangaroo
what is The character CAT from the tv show victorious, real name.
Arianna Grande
what comes first addition or subtracrtion in PEMDAS
what basketball player died in 2020
coby briant
what do you wear under crop tops usually
what is the animal with the whitest teeth in the world
the great white shark
what is ne of your team mates middle name?
fun fact trinity's is hope, and Kairi's is Mae
what is the worlds most popular color
what is the name of the world's fastest runner
Usain Bolt
what is the most well known style in new jersey
a. urban
b country
c other and if so what is it
what is the world strongest animal
land animal- African elephant
Sea life- blue whale
what is your team leaders fav. tv show
Trinity - Victorious
Kairi - Victorious