What is Valentines Day other name?
St. Valentines Day
What kind of candy has the saying "be mine" "true love" "cutie pie" "love you"
sweet hearts
I shoot arrows at people and make them fall in love
Why is Valentines day celebrated on the 14th?
Exports believe it was picked to keep the tradition of an old roman holiday called Lupercalia (it was a day long Holiday dedicated to love and fertility held on the 15th of February each year) as constitutionality spreed throughout the roman empire Lupercalia was outlawed and replaced with the _______ version held the day before known as Saint Valentines day.
What day is Valentines day?
February 14th
What kind of candy is most given out on Valentines day?
I created Valentines day
St. Valentine
What was the oldest know Valentine?
Charles, Duck Of Orleans to his wife
Who made Valentines Day up?
St. Valentine
True or False?
Flowers are most given out on Valentines day
I have the nickname of "The Mother Of The American Valentine"
Esther Howland
Who invented Valentines Day cards?
Esther Howland "The Mother Of The American Valentine"
How many St. Valentine are there?
On Valentines day how is chocolate sold?
In heart shaped boxes
I sent the first Valentine to my wife.
Charles, Duck of Orleans
150 million
Clods the 2nd said that "single soldiers did better then soldiers with a family" and outlawed marriage for young men who were soldiers, what did St. Valentine do after that?
He performed marriage ceremony in secret.
Simile or Metaphor?
Chocolate is as brown as a bear.
I am in your body
What does Valentines day celebrate?
Our loved ones