That's a feather in his cap (5)
He accomplished something special. (5)
He has kicked the habit. (12)
He stopped doing something that was a habit. (12)
Be my guest! (6)
You do what you want to do. (6)
Just laugh it off! (14)
Don't let something bother you. (14)
I had to jump through hoops to get the award. (8)
I had to perform many tasks to accomplish something. (8)
Keep your chin up! (9)
Don't feel bad. Stay positive. (9)
She will keep the ball rolling. (10)
She will continue to work on a project. (10)
Let the chips fall where they may. (19)
Do what you have to do and don't worry about the consequences. (19)
Her eyes are bigger then her stomach. (20)
She couldn't eat everything that she thought she could. (20)
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (22)
He was born into a rich family. (22)
I need to tie-up loose ends. (24)
I need to finish a project. (24)
It's right on the tip of my tongue. (26)
i can't think of what I want to say. (26)
He tried not to make waves. (28)
He tried not to create any problems. (28)
He pulled the wool over her eyes. (40)
He lied to her and she doesn't realize it. (40)
She had to scrape the bottom of the barrel. (56)
She took what was left because the best part was already gone. (56)
I'm not a spring chicken. (61)
I'm old. (61)
Let's talk turkey. (75)
Let's talk about business. (75)
She wants to turn over a new leaf. (80)
She will try to break a bad habit. (80)
We are on a wild-goose chase! (154)
We can't find what we're looking for. (154)
Don't beat around the bush. (174)
Get to the point. (174)
She can't have her cake and eat it too. (179)
She can't do everything she wants to do. (179)
They decided to put down roots here. (181)
They decided to live here. (181)
That's the way the cookie crumbles! (190)
Sometimes things fall apart. (190)
We're back to square one. (195)
We have to start over. (195)
Don't rain on my parade! (197)
I'm happy, so don't upset me. (197)