Overboard amount of alcohol in a week
350 Grams
Something you can get from the store or others to prevent diseases
The good kind of drug is called
The Most Common effect from over drinking
Vaping can make you
Want Cigarettes
How do you not be safe during the nasty
Group to stop harsh over drinking
Fixing a fight with a friend
Make Friendship stronger
A less serious effect of drinking
Throwing up
A Series Effect of Vaping
Lungs Collapsing
Drugs you can use to get high
Cough syrup
Who to Ask how to Stop Vaping
Tell Trusted Adult
Medicine from doctor
Prescribed Medicine
Being overdramatic and mean
Lose a friend
A Serious effect of Drinking
Drugs that Can Make you Hallucinate
How to make sure you don't spread STI's
Get Tested
To Eat Healthy you need too
Watch Sugars
Eating a low amount of veggies
Body doesn't grow stronger to full potential
Stds can turn into what
Eating tons of junky food equals
Eating tons of sugar
How do prevent babies
Birth Control
How to stay safe before dirty with other
Ask if they have an STI
Try and Solve a friendship when its too late
Risk a good friendship
Taking different kinds of weed
Extreme Vomiting And losing unhealthy amounts of weight