What does "NASA" stand for?
What is National Aeronautics and Space Administration
This phrase is used before recieving candy from other peoples houses on Halloween night
What is trick or treat
In what year was doge created?
What is 2013
This planet is approximately the size of a real life version of a minecraft world
What is neptune
who is the arch rival of yugi muto in the anime yugioh?
who is czeto kaiba
What area of a black hole does the escape velocity surpass that of the speed of light?
What is the event horizon
This costume was used to terrorize people in several local towns in 2016
What is clowns
This song is promptly known as a meme song from undertale
What is megalovania
in what form does sonic turn yellow, have his spikes flare up, and gain the ability to fly?
what is super sonic
name all 3 generation 4 starter pokemon
what is chimchar piplup and turtwig
This youtuber holds the record for most subs lost in 1 day with a wopping 1.2 million
who is James Charles
this halloween candy is notible for its triangular shape and white orange and yellow coloring
What is candycorn
This man is famous for wearing a red bandanna and USA speedos
who is Ricardo Milos
Character "Link" is from what well known nintendo game
what is legend of zelda
what was the title of the kirby anime series?
Whayt is kirby right back at ya
to prevent a woodpecker from getting brain damage, this is wrapped around its brain
what is a tongue
Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
what is fruit
who was the first ever person to dab?
who is cam newton
Super smash bros. ultimate will have how many fighters once the next 6 are released?
what is 84
the digimon agumon can digivolve into what digimon?
what is graymon
What is the largest country in the world
what is russia
Pumpkins are carved and have candles put in them to make a what?
what is a jack-o-lantern
what year was the word yeet invented
what is 2014
when was the first mario game released?
what is 1985
Luffy is the protagonist of what anime?
what is one piece