The two muscles of mastication
What are the Temporalis and Masseter?
The most superficial muscle on the dorsal side
What is Trapezius?
The muscle that does everything but adducts
What is Deltoideus?
The two headed muscle on this portion of the body
What is Biceps Brachii?
The muscle that Mrs. Brock calls "little tucky"
What is Pronator Teres?
The action of Mentalis
What is wrinkling the chin?
The muscle deep to Trapezius
What is Rhomboideus?
The muscle deep to Pectoralis Major
What is Pectoralis Minor?
The prime mover of flexion at the elbow
What is Brachialis?
The side of the forearm that has flexors
What is the ventral side of the forearm?
Meaning of obicularis
What is a muscle encircling an orifice?
The muscle whose name means saw tooth edge
What is Serratus Anterior?
The action of Pectoralis Minor
What is depresses the scapula?
The insertion of coracobrachialis
What is the medial humerus?
The roughly square shaped muscle on the forearm
What is Pronator Quadratus?
The innervation of facial expression muscles name and number
What is the facial nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)?
The muscle in that covers the infraspinous fossa
What is Infraspinatus?
The muscle that forms a V on the neck
What is sternoceidomastoid?
What is the Radial nerve?
The action of Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
What is extends and abducts hand at wrist?
The innervation of mastication muscles name and number
What is the trigeminal nerve (Cranial Nerve V)?
The innervation of the spinatus group
What is the Brachial Plexus?
The innervation of the pectoral group
What is the Brachial Plexus?
The innervation of the Brachial Group
What is the Musculocutaneous nerve?
The muscle whose tendon passes through the tendon of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
What is Flexor Digitorum Profundus?