School Terms

Sign the word Stop

The sign for "stop" is made by extending your left hand, palm upward. Sharply bring your open right hand down to your left palm at a right angle.


Sign the word Book

Hold both your palms facing upwards connected by your pinky fingers close and open you palms as if your opening a book.


Sign the word Noon

Left-arm flat in front of you then set your right arm on top of your left arm standing upwards from your left arm's fingers. 


Sign the word Angry

With your right hand make a claw shape with you hand, bring it to your face and pull it away while making a mad facial expression.


Sign the word Coffee

Make two fists, put one on top of the other and then make a circle with the top hand rubbing together the bottom hand.


Sign the word Calm Down

Both palms facing downwards and go up and down starting from left to right.


Sign the word Read

Hold out your left hand then use your pointer and middle fingers to "scan" your left hand.


Sign the word Afternoon

Your left-hand flat in front of your chest and then put your right arm straight with an open palm tap your right arm on your left arm.


Sign the word Enthusiastic

Put your palms together in your chest and rub them together.


Sign the word Begin

Put your right pointer finger in between your middle and ring finger and twist your right pointer finger like your turning a key in a car.


Sign the phrase Open door

Both palms facing forward connected by the thumbs at an angle. Move your right hand away from your left hand in a swinging door motion once.


Sign the word Pencil

Put your pointer finger and thumb together bring it to your chin then down to your left palm and make it look like your writing with an imaginary pencil.


Sign the word Night

left arm held out flat in front of your chest, then with your right hand make a bent 5 handshape and and place your right arm behind your left arm.


Sign the word Excited

With both of your middle fingers swipe them up your chest one at a time.


Sign the word now

With both of your hands make a "y" handshape and start at chest level and bring them down lower.


Sign the phrase Turn off light

One hand held above your head in clamped hand position then open your fingers as the light coming into a room.


Sign the word Flunk

Your right hand in an "f" handshape, with your left hand, hold it out palm facing up and then swipe your right hand across your left.


Sign the word Day

Left-arm flat in front of your chest then with your right hand make a 1 handshape place your right elbow on your other hand and then close them together.


Sign the word Cranky

With your right hand make a claw shape bring your hand to your face and shake it.


Sign the word Sick

With both of your hands use your middle fingers and put one to your forehead and the other to your chest.


Sign the phrase Show up

Left-hand palm facing down then take your right hand with your pointer finger and bring it up between left hand ring and middle fingers.


Sign the word Pass

Two "a" handshapes and swipe them past each other.


Sign the word All-morning

Left-arm flat in front of your chest with your palm facing your chest then with an open-palm on your right hand and bring your right arm up to your face slowly.


Sign the word Motivated

Put your palms together and rub them together.


Sign the word Exam

With both of your hands start with your pointer fingers pointing up and bend them and then go down to open palms facing down all in one motion.
