Civil War
Bill of Rights
North Carolina
Civil War 2
Leading to Civil War
Slavery and Sucession

What was learned from the First Battle of Manassas, also known as Bull Run?

 A. The war would be a quick Union victory.
 B. The war would be a long, difficult, and bloody affair.
 C. The war would be a quick Confederate victory.

D. The war would end in a draw.

The War would be a quick Confederate victory.


Which of the following best describes the Bill of.   Rights?                                                                   A. a preamble
B. the first 10 amendments
C. any amendment
D. a bill that not yet a law

 the first 10 amendments


Because of the rate of growth in the state of North Carolina in the early1800's,the statebecame (jokingly) known as... 

A. The Rocket State

B. The Rip Van Winkle State

C. The Sloth State

 D. The Stock Car State 

 The Rip Van Winkle State


  1. During the War of 1812, a witness to a battle wrote a poem about what he saw. Later, this poem was put to music and became known as:
    A. The Pledge of Allegiance
    B. My Country Tis of Thee                                 C. The Star Spangled Banner.                            D. God Bless America

The Star Spangled Banner.


What important factor helped the Confederates have early success in the war?
A. Larger, better equipped army than what the Union could possibly have had.
B. Since most battles were fought in their territory, they had a homefield advantage.
C. They got important aid from Great Britain which allowed them to purchase weapons. D. They had strong, powerful navy with multiple ships to blockade the North

Since most battles were fought in their territory, they had a homefield advantage.


What did abolitionists seek for all enslaved African-Americans?                                                             A. Temperance
B. Emancipation
C. Tolerance                                                             D. Prejudice



Prior to the Civil War, the government tried to maintain a balance between states that allowed slavery and states that had banned slavery. Which statement BEST explains why?
A. To make sure slavery would eventually end on its own.
B. To ensure that slavery would continue to expand in the United States                  C. To ensure that neither side had too much power in Congress
D. To ensure that slavery would be ended throughout the United States.

To ensure that neither side had too much power in Congress


During the Civil War:
A. the Confederate States were made up of more states than the United States.                                  B. the capitals for both the North and the South were in Washington, D.C.
C. the North won most of the early battles over the South.
D. the North used their navy to blockade the South and slow trade.

the North won most of the early battles over the South.


The Constitution has been amended how many times?                                                             A. 10                                                                      B. 18                                                                       C. 20                                                                     D. 27



  1. During the early 1800's, all of the money and political power in North Carolina was centered in what part of the state?
    A. The Mountain region because of the booming tourist industry
    B. The eastern part because of the wealthy planters and merchants

    C. Centered around Charlotte because of NASCAR
    D. In the middle of the Piedmont because of the industry

 The eastern part because of the wealthy planters and merchants.


  1. The westward expansion of the. United States began mainly because of the:                                           A. Indian Removal Act
    B. Monroe Doctrine
    C. Louisiana Purchase.                                       D. War of 1812

Louisiana Purchase.


During the Civil War:
 A. the Confederate States were made up of more states than the United States.                                     B. the capitals for both the North and the South were in Washington, D.C.
C. the North won most of the early battles over the South.
D. the North used their navy to blockade the South and slow trade.

the North won most of the early battles over the South.


The election of this man as President was the “last straw” and states began seceding from the Union.
A. Barack Obama
B. Jefferson Davis
C. Frederick Douglas                                                D. Abraham Lincoln

 Abraham Lincoln


Which of the following would be a correct way to describe slavery in the US during most of the 17th through 19th centuries?
A. Slaves were discriminated against and were expected to follow the slave codes.
B. Most people in the US were planters and owned many slaves.                        C. Slaves usually had independence in making decisions about their families.     D. Most slaves did not think religion was important in their daily lives.

Slaves were discriminated against and were expected to follow the slave codes.


How did the Union plan to capture coastal North Carolina support the Anaconda plan?                            A. It went straight after Confederate leadership and capital cities
B. It helped aid an invasion of the industrialized Piedmont
C. It helped the Union to blockade the coast, preventing southern trade

D. It captured all of the Confederacy’s navy

 It helped the Union to blockade the coast, preventing southern trade


Congress passes a law banning people from attending church on Sundays.   Which Constitutional amendment would be violated?
A. 1st
B. 2nd                                                                    C. 4th                                                                    D. 5th



What North Carolina Indian tribe was most affected by the event known as the “Trail of Tears?”                                                                           

A. Tuscarora                                                             B. Cherokee                                                               C. Catawba                                                               D. Lumbee



Meriwether Lewis and William Clark:

A. traveled alone for five years and unsuccessfully explored the west.                                                                                                                                                                       B explored the Oregon Trail without help from Native Americans.
C. did not keep written records of their journeys and explorations.
D. were sent to explore the Louisiana Territory by Thomas Jefferson.

were sent to explore the Louisiana Territory by Thomas Jefferson.


What happened to Lincoln at the end of the war?                                                A. He was hanged for treason.
B. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth.
C. He was shot by U.S. Grant.                                    D. He had a heart attack and died.

He was shot by John Wilkes Booth.


In 1861 Jefferson Davis was elected:

A. President of the Confederacy.
B. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.                        C. Vice President of the United States.                        D. President of the United States.

President of the Confederacy.


The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850:
A. threatened all blacks and encouraged them to flee to Canada.                                                              B. made it illegal to capture runaway slaves.
C. was a law that all people in the United States supported.
D. forced runaway slaves to stay in the North.

threatened all blacks and encouraged them to flee to Canada.


The Civil War began when this fort was attacked by Confederate forces: 

A. Ft. Anderson
B. Ft. Bragg
C. Ft. Hood.                                                            D. Ft. Sumter

 Ft. Sumter


The US government orders all Americans to turn in any and all fire arms tot he police by noon on Friday. Which Constitutional amendment would be violated?                 A. 1st         B. 2n                                                    C. 4th         D. 5th



Slaves and cotton-growing areas were most highly concentrated in what region of NC?                                                      A. Mountain Region

B. Piedmont Region

C. Coastal Plain Region

D. Evenly spread throughout NC

 Coastal Plain Region


In 1861 delegates from the seceding states met to form a new nation called:   A. The Secession States of America
B. The Confederate States of America
C. The United States of America                                  D. The Southern States of America

The Confederate States of America


.Who was selected to command the army of the Confederacy during the Civil War?                             A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Ulysses S. Grant
C. Jefferson Davis                                                   D. Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee


How did the Dred Scott Supreme Court case highlight the divisions between North and South?                                           A. Many people in the north were angry about the decision because blacks had no rights.
B. Northerners were excited by the outcome since it solved many problems they saw.
C. Southerners were angry that the decision gave rights to blacks.                D. People all over the country were outraged because Scott was set free.

Many people in the north were angry about the decision because blacks had no rights.


Changes or hardships brought to North Carolina by the war included 

A. Income taxes and shortages of necessities like oil and natural gas.                                                      B. Military draft and problems with state government.
C. Military draft and increases in prices caused by shortages.                                                              D. Military draft and rises in the prices of furniture and doctors.

Military draft and increases in prices caused by shortages.


A defendant on trial is forced to explain how he committed his crime. Which Constitutional amendment would be violated?

A. 2nd  B. 4th

C. 5th   D. 8th



North Carolina seceded from the Union...
A. To preserve plantation traditions and trade with Europe
B. After Ft Sumter to prevent fighting fellow southerners and to preserve states rights                                                      C. To demonstrate that North Carolinians were experienced military leaders
D. To increase population of their agricultural based society

After Ft Sumter to prevent fighting fellow southerners and to preserve states rights                        


What did the “border states” have in common during the Civil War?                                                                          A. They all joined the Confederacy, but did not allow slavery.
B. They all remained loyal to the Union, but allowed slavery.
 C. They all were formed from states that had joined the Confederacy.                                                                                                      D. They were all states that were created during the Civil War.

 They all remained loyal to the Union, but allowed slavery.


Which of the following statements would best explain why the South lost the Civil War?                                                      A. The South’s inferior leadership made many military blunders that led to defeat.
B. The Confederate government was too heavy handed against its own people, causing Southerners to rebel against it.    C. Lee’s complete defeat at Gettysburg put an end to the South’s military ability.
D. The North’s advantage in industrial capability and population eventually wore down the South’s ability to resist.

The North’s advantage in industrial capability and population eventually wore down the South’s ability to resist.


If a person belonged to the cavalry, then which of the following statements would be true?                           A. He used ships to stop movement in and out of ports.
B. He was trained to ride horses in battle.
C. He used metal ships instead of wooden ones.          D. He broke away from the Union.

He was trained to ride horses in battle.


South Carolina was the first state in the south to secede. This means that South Carolina:                                                A. used ships to stop movement in and out of ports.
B. used soldiers to ride horses in battle.
C. used metal ships instead of wooden ones.                                                   D. broke away from the Union.

broke away from the Union.
