The building block of DNA
What is a nucleotide?
The enzyme that unwinds the DNA helix
What is helicase?
The Central Dogma of biology
What is DNA codes for RNA and RNA codes for Proteins?
The location of translation
What is the cytoplasm
The father of evolution
Who is Charles Darwin
They discovered the structure of DNA
Who is Watson and Crick?
The enzyme that adds DNA bases to the template strand
What is DNA Polymerase?
The location of transcription.
What is the nucleus?
This is formed at the end of translation
What is protein
Definition of evolution
The backbone of DNA is made of these two things
What is sugar and phosphate?
The accepted model of DNA replication.
What is semi-conservative?
This is created at the end of transcription.
What is mRNA
A set of 3 bases found on the mRNA strand
What is a codon
The mechanism for evolution
What is natural selection
The scientist that discovered the transforming factor by experimenting on mice.
Who is Frederick Griffith?
The small pieces of DNA created on the lagging strand
What are Okazaki fragments?
The location where transcription starts on a DNA template strand
What is a promoter sequence or the TATA box?
The start codon
The tailbone was used by your ancestors, but is not used by you. This is an example of what type of evidence for evolution
What is a vestigial organ
The correct base pairs in a DNA molecule
What are A=T and C=G?
The opening that is formed when the two strands of DNA are unwound
What is a replication fork?
The enzyme that adds bases to the mRNA transcript
What is RNA Polymerase?
This brings amino acids to the ribosome in order to create a protein
Early in development many organisms look the exact same and do not look different until later in their development. Name the evidence for evolution.
What is comparative embryology?