Personal Development
Social / Moral Development
Contexts of learning
Group Differences

These are three factors that affect personality

what are (any three of four)



cultural expectations/socialization

the interaction of all of these factors


Behaviors aimed at benefiting others more than oneself vs. general behaviors/standards about right and wrong

what are the two other terms that would fit; 

------ behaviors vs. ------ behaviors

pro-social behavior vs. moral behavior


A distinct way of behaving, thinking and feeling that is unique to each individual

what is personality?

Contextual Theory is a framework focused on 

the context of your surroundings that support your learning, development & behaviors

physical, social, &/or cultural contexts

Two key points when considering Group Differences

what is variability within and between groups?


An ability to think about how other people are likely to think, feel, act and react 

and two examples of what we can do with those skills

What is Social Cognition?

Or What is Theory of Mind?

understand other emotions

predict / explain other behaviors

be compassionate

understand inferences/sarcasm


Children develop ability to distinguish between harmful/damaging transgressions (aka...) and unethical transgressions (aka....)

what is moral transgressions vs. conventional transgressions?


Includes the concepts of self-concept, self-esteem and self-efficacy

what is sense of self?


When learners learn more effectively when they collaborate with others to construct meaning is called

what is social constructivism?


Three challenges of poverty

what is (id. three)

poor nutrition / health services

inadequate housing/frequent moves

toxins/ high risk environments

emotional stress/financial stress

gaps in knowledge/ absenteeism/frequent moves

lower quality schools


According to Erickson's PsychoSocial theory of development, development is a result of...

what is "a person's ability to work through challenges that occur at certain stages"?


Four ways to promote pro-social and moral development in your classroom

Encourage perspective taking

explain why behaviors are unacceptable

model moral and social behaviors

engage students in relevant moral discussions

encouragement involvement in community activities


When students adopt some of a new culture's values and customs

what is acculturation?


The goal of this type of teaching is to promote more effective meta-cognitive strategies, particularly during reading and listening, by explaining and modeling questioning strategies 

what is Reciprocal teaching?

Define Multicultural Education and Cultural Competence

what is an education environment which promotes concepts of all differences/cultures are important vibrant par of the education?

What is being aware of your own cultural biases and lenses


There are three main stages in the developmental progression which have distinct characteristics related to self-esteem/sense of self

what is childhood where self esteem/sense of self is very high

what is early adolescence where SOS often drops significantly

what is late adolescence? where SOS becomes multi-facted


Identify four factors influencing moral and pro-social development

List four ~ what is personal interests?

desire to abide by societal rules?  cultural rules/environment

cognitive development?

adult use of induction? (think about harm it could cause)

experience disequilibrium

consequences for self


Identify two characteristics of At-Risk students and a strategy to support/engage At-Risk students in the classroom

Charac. ~ history of academic failure, emotional/beh. problems

lack of engagement in school & attainment of academics

Strategies ~ increase student interest

make relevant to student's lives

create welcoming atmosphere

identify early

use student strengths

provide academic supports for success

encourage identification with school/activities


The six contexts of learning communities

World wide



Social Interactions




Identify four ways to create culturally inclusive classrooms and improve cultural competences

learn & build on the cultural communities norms of families

understand within group differences

use them to inform teaching practice

learn "fund of knowledge"

be sensitive to culture shock

adapt instructional strategies  preferred to student strengths

incorporate traditions from other cultures


During the an individual's formal schooling years (pre-school thru 12th grade), individuals will progress through three of Erickson's stages. If any one of those three stages is not successfully resolved, these are potential difficulties a student would likely demonstrate

what is guilt vs. initiative? (initiative vs. guilt over their own personal needs & desires)

what is Industry vs. inferiority? (diligence vs. inferiority about skills)

What is Identity vs. Identity confusion (having figured out your "role"/direction in life vs. confusion in life's direction)

A key characteristic of Kohlberg's Post-Conventional Reasoning stage of Moral Development

Social contracts & universal ethical principals

Rules are changeable and change is needed in order to maintain social order and protect human rights


Two terms for using complex real life activities/problems in order to teach skills and knowledge

what are authentic activities or 

problem based learning or 

project based learning or 

service based learning


All learning communities require these three things

previous knowledge

vocabulary development related to the context

meta-cognitive skills (thinking processes) related to the context


Four differences in gender development include

Sense of Self 

Experience w/ technology

Class behaviors

Physical / Motor skills 

Cog & Acad. develop 

Motivation in Academics

Interpersonal behaviors

Career Aspirations
