Environmental & Personal Setting Conditions
Behavior Support Techniques

What model describes the programmatic requirements and range of crisis prevention and management strategies necessary to meet the needs of young people with developmental disabilities?

NAME Model: Non-Aversive Multi-Element


These are created to match needs, especially used with children with Autism. If not used, it could create confusion and insecurity leading to challenging behaviors. 


This is the least restrictive and most useful technique. It involves managing and making adjustments such as removing harmful items and triggers. 

Managing the environment


True or false? You should be alone when engaging in restraints

False. If at all possible, have someone stay with you for safety, watching the child's responses and documentation purposes. 


These are the four stages of the stress model of crisis. (Hint: T, E, O, R) 

Triggering Event, Escalation Phase, Outburst (Crisis), Recovery 


This is a specific type of plan that outlines individual needs for the child when under stages of crisis that can be followed by anyone who walks into the room to help manage behaviors. 

Individual Crisis Management Plan


These are factors that may include things like lighting, noise levels, cleanliness, space, and decor.

Physical environment


This is typically a more intrusive strategy that typically should involve short sentences. Examples could be "No!" said firmly or using positive statements to get the desired behavior. 

Directive statements


This is the most commonly used restraint which involves use of a child smaller than you. 

Small Child


What are two forms of communication that can be used with children with developmental disabilities? 

Word, symbol, line drawing, photograph, three dimensional model, concrete object. 


This is an abbreviated version of the type of sit down meeting that happens after a crisis happens with the child and adult. It usually is conducted to find out the meaning behind the challenging behaviors. 

LSI (Life Space Interview)


Name one type of environmental change that can be made to prevent stressful situations or crises.

Activities and routines, Staff and peer interactions, physical setting, instruction, scheduling and staffing. 


This should only be used if the child can self-regulate. 

Time away


If needed, when engaging in the small child restraint, the child starts kicking and flailing and could hurt them more, you assist by holding this body part. (Two part answer: what body part and which way do you face?) 

Legs, away from child (back is what child and adult sees). 


What are two goals of the Life Space Interview? 

Return to baseline functioning, clarify events, repair relationship, teach new coping skills, reintegrate the child back into the routine. 


This is the name of the training you are required to update each year and the name of the professional development you are engaging in right now! (hint: it is not Thinking Coronavirus Is Stupid because we miss our kids!, although I do agree) 

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools


"Me vant ookie" and pointing to what the child wants instead of using words to communicate is an example of this type of personal difficulty that should be considered.

(Sorry, Sesame Street is all we watch, sing, repeat before bed while trying to fall asleep as an!) 

Communication difficulties


Knowing your student is important for this support technique as it can be tricky to connect with them this way if they do not like this due to their skin feeling like it is on fire or they cannot bear to have someone in their space. 

Proximity or touch


This should be done as immediately as possible after a restraint to follow procedure for the child and if needed, for the adult. 

Have nurse check both for any injuries. 


Functions of challenging behavior are these four terms. Note: you can seat children while figuring out the 'why' behind their behavior

Sensory, Escape/Exit, Attention/Attachment, Tangible needs (SEAT)


These seven steps from the original Life Space Interview (LSI) are but are shortened into three general steps if they do not have the communication skills for a full LSI. (Hint: it may also be what you do to flee your home for a short time under the coronavirus lockdown-but only to get needed items like groceries). 



This is a condition in which each child's individual strengths and needs are considered, activities are designed accordingly and reflect their interests, and plans and programs are monitored and reviewed regularly.

Individualized Programming


This is given who have trouble starting or ending an activity. It can also be given if the child likes doing physical activity such as hurdles while learning. 

Hurdle help


This is a reason that restraints should be not used. 

Medical, abuse history, child cannot be safely restrained, you are not in control of your emotions. 

What is a reason that students may require a shortened Life Space Interview? 

Poor sequencing skills, limited expressive or receptive skills, cannot connect feelings with behaviors, fragmented memory, all important to themselves. 
