The "LAW"
True, False, or Maybe
Safety in #s
What's my Name?

"Don't pick your nose" is NOT the Scout Motto. What is it?

What is "Be Prepared"?


Doing a Good Turn is an example of this Scout Law.

What is Helpful?


Most boys of Scouting age need 9-10 hours of sleep per night.

What is TRUE; muscle growth, injury healing and energy renewal occur during rest?


When washing hands, how many seconds should you scrub with soap before rinsing?

What is 20 seconds?


One of the ten essentials, it also has 10 letters in its name.

What is a Flashlight?


This natural material is NOT recommended to wear on trips when conditions are chilly, rainy or snowy as it will NOT keep you warm.

What is Cotton?


Being honest and keeping promises is an example of this Scout Law.

What is Trustworthy?


When camping, look for a sunny spot to pitch your tent.

What is MAYBE? Depending upon conditions, morning sun can help dry out your tent, but the evening sun can be uncomfortably hot in the summer.


When using the First Aid Method, the first step is to check the scene, what is the next step?

What is Call 911?


The Totin' Chip shows that you know how to use wood tools properly. This shows that you know how to use the Intenet properly.

What is the Cyber Chip?


The American flag should NOT be flown upside-down except in this circumstance.

What is As a distress signal to call for help?


Being polite to all people and using good manners is an example of this Scout Law.

What is Courteous?


If you become lost you should follow the 4 steps that spell STOP, an acronym which stands for Stay (Where You Are), Talk (To Your Buddy), Observe, and Plan.

What is False? STOP stands for Stay Calm; Think, Observe, and Plan.


When performing CPR, the proper ratio of chest compressions to breaths is this.

What is 30:2?


The Scouting idea of this 7-letter word includes physical, mental and ethical.

What is Fitness?


Following Leave No Trace Principles, a Scout should NOT camp, wash or deposit human waste less than this distance from lakes and streams.

What is 200 feet?


Speaking up to stop someone from being bullied is an example of this Scout Law.

What is Brave?


Swimmers in trouble typically wave their arms and scream for help.

What is FALSE? in real life drowning is subtle, quick, and quiet, hence the need for the buddy system and lifeguards.


This 2-word term is used to describe how scouts make sure that everyone stays safe during outdoor activities by being in groups of at least 2.

What is Buddy System?


This common 2-name poisonous plant has hollow hairs called trichomes that inject.

What is Stinging Nettle?


If you're looking for the perfect knot to use for dragging a log across the ground, it's NOT a square knot, but this instead.

What is a Timber Hitch?


Protecting and conserving natural resources is an example of this Scout Law.

What is Thrifty?


When a person is in shock they have a quick, strong pulse and cool, clammy skin.

What is FALSE? They have a quick, weak pulse and cool, clammy skin.


According to the Scouts BSA Handbook, there are this many Rules of Personal Safety.

What is 5? Use your network of trusted adults, Check first, Use the buddy system, Trust your gut instinct, the "uh oh" feeling, and No secrets


 This 2-word phrase describes how you should place a victim who is unconscious but breathing normally.

What is Recovery Position?  Extend lower arm in line with the body, grasp leg closest to you and bend it up. Support head and neck, grasp hip and shoulder, slowly roll victim away from you onto their side. Check breathing until help arrives.
