perspective and psychologists
modern/historical psychology
research methods
statistics in psychology

This person, created the theory of evolution and his ideas helped create evolutionary psychology.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Who is Charles Darwin 


This is Sigmund Freud's theory, that attributed thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts 

What is psychoanalytical theory 


Is an observation technique in which one person is studied (in depth), in the hopes if revealing universal principles.  

What is case study 


This is the arithmetic average of scores in a distribution 

What is mean 


This is the group that does not receive the treatment.

what is the control group 


Is the theory that human or animal psychology can be objectively studied through observable actions, rather than thoughts and feelings that cannot be observed. 

What is behaviorism 


This operates on pleasure principle; strives to satisfy selfish impulses/needs and wants to avoid pain and receive instant gratification. 

What is id 


Is an expectation that cause you to act in ways that make that expectations come true. 

What is self-fulfilling prophecy 


This is the difference between the lowest and highest scores in a distribution. 

What is range 


These are other variables that could possibly affect the experiment. 

What is confounding variables 


It is an applied approach to optimal functioning, and studies the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities and organizations to thrive.   

What is positive psychology 


These are all the different kinds of defense mechanisms. 

what is repression, projection, rationalization, sublimation, regression, reaction formation, displacement and denial. 


This is the difference, between a single-blind study and a double-blind study. 

what is, in a single blind study only the participants don't know if they are in the experimental or control group, but in a double blind study both subjects and experimenters are kept uninformed. 


This is the making of inferences and drawing conclusions based on data. This helps psychologists decide weather they can generalize (apply) sample to the general population.  

What is inferential statistics 


This is the substances or treatment that has no effect apart from a person's belief in it.  

What is a placebo 


He is an American psychologist known for his influential psychotherapy method (client-centered therapy), he is also a founding figure of humanistic psychology. 

Who is Carl Rogers 


This person criticized Freud's masculine view of psychology and the idea that the female was neutrally inferior. They also believed in child anxiety and that personality is built on an early fight against rejection.  

Who is Karen Horney 


Is the belief that harm of animals is permissible if it is for the greater human good (the benefits outweigh the harm)  

What is the ethics of animals in experiments 


This is the difference between positive and negative correlation. 

What is as one goes up, so does the other (go in the same direction) 

What is as one goes up, the other goes down (they go in different directions) 


This is the definition of the Hawthorne Effect. 

What is just being in an experiment can cause change


He created the Phi Phenomenon, which forms the basis of Gestalt Psychology. His work created a foundation in some psychology theories, and his findings are presented in his book Productive Thinking

Who is Max Wertheimer 


This is the definition of Trait Theory. 

A characteristics pattern of behavior or a disposition to feel and act. They believe that we can describe people's personalities by specifying their main characteristics. 


This is the definition of random assignment and random sample 

What is once chosen, those in the sample have an equal chance of being assigned to experimental or control group 

What is everyone from the population has an equal chance of being chosen for the study.


This is the probability level agreed on by convention, that helps us decide how likely it is that a result would be obtained if only chance factor were in operation. 

What is statistical significance 


This is the ability to replicate the experiment and get the same results.

What is reliability 
