who did we used to put on the porch and pretend they were homeless
the star that is closest to our solar system
the sun
something you need in order to survive that your kids dont get enough of
the sign that needs to get some patience
the CHINA virus
who threw up in walmart from mc's apple slices
the planet with the big red dot
the only thing that keeps me from ending it all
the most money motivated but is willing to help anyone in need and isnt greedy (also mostdissted sign)
a free space becuase we are going through enough rn
the best painter
bob rossi
its not just a rock to us
the reason we can hear everyone breath at night
paper mache walls
most emotional but family oriented
cancer, but the good kind
a world wide known events has been cancelled that shows off peoples athletic skills
2020 olympics
someone who could beat us all up cuz she is from the ghetto and been to jail
true or false
was the moon landing real or fake
fake the moon is a hologram
the plastic thing on the end of your shoe, fin and ferb fans know
most unbalanced and kinda rude sign, they really would betray and drop you over a free slushie
fires that took over a continent
autralian bush fires
the best and most loyal pet you could ever have
a planet i will punch in the face no cap
what saves your life time and time again
when someone is home to get you more tp
most fire sign but not in a good way, they too pretty to be that bitter
opps you contracted corons from this question you loose the game and must quarantine yourself(move 6 feet apart from everyone)