A certain immortal meme
Who is Queen Elizabeth?
A evil team from the first pokemon game
What is team rocket?
What is the bible?
One of the oldest memes
What is nyan cat?
A character in Minecraft only heard in rumors
Who is herobrine?
The number of countries in the world
What is 196?
A misspelling of a word by a mannequin
What is the stonks meme?
A fast rodent
Who is sonic the hedgehog?
The farthest dwarf planet from the sun
What is 2014 UZ224?
A quote said by a Disney character
What is someone toucha my spaghet?
A popular mobile game
What is angry birds?
What is the mystery spot?
A sonic character asking for directions
Who is Ugandan knuckles?
The debunked rumor of a console
What is Nintendo switch pro?
The largest number in the universe
What is graham's number?