This type of engine has much less fewer moving parts
what is Two stroke
This one is on the front of the motorcycle
What is headlight
This is the part that stores electricity.
What is the battery
On a tire sized 100/90-19, the number 90 refers to the height of the tire and compared to the width, and is called this.
What is aspect ratio.
Spark will not occur unless the sparkplug is this word, meaning continuous to the negative post of the battery
What is grounded.
According to Gary, this part of the piston works as hard as the top.
What is the bottom
According to US safety standards, the _______ must be battery powered and light up when the key is turned on.
What is tail light
The rectifier uses ________ to convert AC to DC
What are diodes
The plys in the construction of a tire can be Bias, which are at angle to the bead, or this, which are perpendicular.
What is radial.
When the ignition system produces spark every 360 degrees of crankshaft rotation is called this.
What is wasted spark.
These two bearings are usually part of a crank rebuild on a two stroke
What are wrist pin and big end or connecting rod bearings
When adjusting the headlight, check the ________ and ___________ should be about half full.
What is tire pressure and fuel level
The __________ is what generates the magnetic field in a non permanent magnet system
What is field coil.
This part if the tire must never be repaired because it flexes and bends when in use.
What is sidewall.
A battery is not needed in this type of ignition system.
What is AC powered or Magneto
The _________ to _________ ratio is one of the benefits of two stroke over four stroke engines
What is Power to Weight.
In the tail light, there is often another circuit called the
What is brake light
This type of charging system creates the most AC power.
What is three phase
If the tread depth is below this number, it is time to replace the tire.
What is 2/32 or 1/16 or about 1.5 mm
There are two types of ignition systems. One is called electronic, and the other is this that uses breaker points that open and close.
What is mechanical.
This type of fuel induction system has the carburator on the side of the crankcase, as opposed to its usual position behind the cylinder
What is Rotary Valve
This type of headlight, often found on offroad motorcycles, does not light up until the engine is running.
What is AC or Magneto powered
An alternator houses the __________, _________, and _________ all together in one component.
What are generator, rectifier, and regulator?
Vulcanization, the process of heating the rubber with sulphur to make the tires was invented by this man
Who is Goodyear
On a DC powered system, this component should be getting electricity as soon as the key is turned on.
What is ignition coil.