Ro collects these and his current collection has more than 200.
Beer bottlecaps
Where does Ro currently have a wine membership?
V Sattui winery
What TV show is represented in a lot of Ro's clothing?
The Office
What is the oldest pitched instrument?
A type of festive hat
What is Ro’s Instagram handle?
What are the two major classifications of beer?
Ale & Lager
Name one Bollywood movie where the main character is Rohith.
Kal Ho Na Ho... will accept other answers.
Which ragam is also the name of a Hindu goddess?
A classic novel written in the 16th century
RO-meo and Juliet
What was Ro's first AIM screen name?
Kingofdagame24 / Crazyballster24
What are the 3 ingredients in an Old Fashioned?
Whiskey / Bourbon; Bitters ; Sugar
Which actor/actress has the most Oscar nominations and how many?
Meryl Streep - 21 nominations
Ro chose to audition to Berkeley with a song by this artist.
Michael Buble
A fun outdoor activity involving wheels
RO-ller blading / RO-ller skating
What is the color and brand of Ro's everyday shoe. He always replaces it for the exact same version...
Black Vans
Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
Name 5 movies directed by Karan Johan starting with K.
What is Ro's version of Raravenu... must sing first full line of lyrics.
More and mangoes taste really good and if you ever have some you will ask for more.
3 cities or states (globally)
RhOde Island; ROme ; ROcklin ; North / South CaROlina
What is the maximum number of followers Ro will have at a given point in time on Instagram?
How many grapes in a bottle of wine?
In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “You Talkin to me?
Taxi Driver
When he was younger, Ro was stopped from learning Bharatanatyam (or dancing at all) by this individual.
A US President
G-RO-ver Cleveland