Saitama's routine in One Punch Man
What is 100 push ups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and 10 km run every single day?
Name of the creator of Doki Doki Literature Club
Who is Dan Salvato?
Name of scary bossman on Bruinwalk
Who is Andre?
This show was considered the best anime of all time with its impeccable character development and realistic animation.
What is Cory in the House?
body part of this particular genetic defect
What is left thumb?
In Kaguya-sama, Papa Shirogane has the same voice actor of what character from Jojo's bizarre adventure?
Who is Dio?
Name of game that shares the song "Jumper" with Geometry Dash
What is Castle Crashers?
UCLA building farthest to the North in North Campus
What is Broad Art Museum?
Who is Tyler 1?
Certain action that I do before every meal
What is praying?
Name of Villain Tanjiro slayed using the art Hinokami dance breathing in episode 19 of Kimetsu no Yaiba
Who is Rui?
Original Name of Saix from Kingdom Hearts
Who is Isa?
This floor number from CSI was referenced in our past groupchat titles
What is 3rd floor?
Pewdiepie's intro to every video is based on this very popular YouTube channel
What is CocoMelon?
Class series that I was a Learning Assistant for
What is Math 3 series?
Name of Suzaku's Knightmare Frame in Code Geass
What is Lancelot?
Name of the 2 prison guards in the Velvet Room assisting a big-nosed man
Who is Caroline and Justine?
Total number of libraries in UCLA
what is 9?
Country Coffin Dance originated from
Where is Ghana?
Anime series where my #1 waifu is from
What is Fate Series?
Name of the 3 Walls in Attack on Titan
What is Maria, Rose, and Sheena?
This rhino-like boss character has appeared multiple times in Subspace Emissary and World of Light
Who is Galleom?
Author of the book this particular cafe in YRL is named after
Who is Ray Bradbury?
In the "Dear Millenials" meme, this word was characterized as a "sexist" and "racist" term equivalent to a racially sensitive word
Who is Karen?
Number of roommates I have had my freshman fall and winter quarter
What is 4?