Keeping things discussed in group and group members’ identities private is called...
DBT stands for...
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Being mindful can be helpful in these ways...
Any version of the following:
Increases self awareness
reduced emotional suffering and increased pleasure
helps make decisions in wise mind
increase compassion for self and others
lessen pain/tension/stress and improve health
Wise Mind ACCEPTS stands for...
extra 100 if can provide example of each
Pushing away
Describe the mindfulness “what” and “how” skills
What: observe, describe, participate
How: don’t judge, stay focused, do what works
When you are not speaking in virtual group, you...
Mute your microphone
“Dialectical” means...
two things that are seemingly opposite/contradictory can be true at the same time
When you make decisions in wise mind....
You take the facts of the situation and yours and others emotions into account for the best possible outcome.
Self-Soothe with six senses includes the following six senses... and an example of each is...
Teach us about the three minds.
Rational/logical: “calculator brain”, facts only, lists, etc.
Emotional: feelings, urges, Short-term desires
Wise: feelings+values+long-term goals
The form I am expected to fill out daily and turn in to group and/or individual therapists each time is called...
The foundational (core) skill of DBT, which group repeats ever 4-5 weeks is, and consists of the “what” and ”how” skills is...
We have to learn to tolerate pain because...
Pain is part of life and can’t always be avoided
IMPROVE the Moment stands for... and an example of each is...
One thing in the moment
There are this many sections in the pros and cons grid, which are...
pros of acting on crisis/impulsive urges
pros of resisting crisis/impulsive urges
cons of acting on crisis/impulsive urges
cons of resisting crisis/impulsive urges
In the virtual group, we have to ... before each group.
Email the therapists our homework and diary cards.
These are the skills our DBT group has focused on so far...
Distress Tolerance
If you can’t deal with your pain you may act...
TIPP stands for... and you use it in this way...
Temperature (lower it by...)
Intense Exercise (example for 15 minutes)
Paced breathing (slow breathing)
Progressive muscle relaxation (mindfully scan body, noticing and releasing tension)
All distress tolerance skills are meant to be used in the moment of distress EXCEPT ... which is meant to be used when...
Pros and Cons
create before overwhelming urge hits and review when urge hits
I can multi-task by doing homework, playing video games, watching tictoc, or texting/having side conversations during virtual group. (T/F)
List the goals of DBT Skills Training (5 groups of skills to increase)...
Core Mindfulness
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Walking the Middle Path
Impulsivity can cause you to...
Hurt yourself or someone else and not get what you want
Accepting Reality: In any situation we have these 5 choices.
1. Solve the problem
2. Change how you feel about the problem
3. ACCEPT the situation
4. Stay miserable
5. Make the situation worse
The difference between willingness and willfulness is...
Willingness: allowing and participating, doing what is needed effectively, listening to wise mind
willfulness: refusing to tolerate a situation, giving up, trying to change something that can’t be change or refusing to change what can be, “no”, opposite of what works