Which type of antibiotic can cause a antabuse reaction?
Cephalosporins - uncontrollable, projectile vomiting if they had a drink in less than 72 hours
Prototype for Fluroquinolones
What is Vancomycin different from other antibiotics and what is it used for?
chemically different than any other antibiotic on the market - it's in its own category!
used for gram negative only, MRSA, C. diff
what is the action of beta-lactainase inhibitors?
inhibits the enzymes allowing penicillin & cephalosporins to remain effective
Name the Bactericidal antibiotics
Penicillins, cephalosporins, Fluroquinolones, Aminoglycosides, Vancomycin
Whats a important nursing implication for Vancomycin?
obtaining peaks & troughs - very easy to become toxic and need to monitor carefully. Drawing 30 min after IV administrated (peak) and the trough just before next dose
what makes Macrolides unique?
many different macrolides and their chemical structures are all different. Just because you are allergic to one doesn't mean you are allergic to them all
Name the Bacteriostatic antibiotics
Tetracyclines, Macrolides, Sulfonamides
What are important S/E & nursing implications to be aware of when giving Tetracyclines?
Can cause discoloration of the permanent teeth in fetuses and children - under 8 years old - can cause them to become brittle
don't give to pregnant or nursing mothers.
Effects Birth control
highly calcium bound - DON'T TAKE WITH CALCIUM!\
what are important nursing implications for macrolides?
take on an empty stomach, interfere strongly w/birth control - educate patient
what are Aminoglycosides used for?
more serious life-threatening infections
Pseudomonas, E. coli, Klebsiella
what are nonretroviruses and retrovirus?
nonretroviruses - common viruses - influenza/flu
retrovirus - (RNA) AIDS, HIV
Photo-sensitivity- avoid sunlight & UV
DO NOT TAKE WITH DIARY! highly bound with calcium
DON'T GIVE TO KIDS! Interferes with cartilage development but can be used for some instances for kids. Ex - resistant infections -cystic fibrosis - bacteria hard to treat
BLACK BOX WARNING! tendon rupture
Nephrotoxicity, Ototoxicity, risk for neonates b/c of immature kidneys, numbness & tingling
what is important to teach patients about anti-viral medications?
anti-viral meds are not a cure but help manage the symptoms of an outbreak