5th grade science
8th grade English
6th grade history
Types of cheese
Famous people who killed people

What trait does the ancient bird-like Icthyornis fossil have? 

a. teeth

b. fur

c. long neck

d. short tail

c. long neck


what is the correct conjugation of the verb "paint" in the sentence below: My hobbies are ______ and sculpture



where (broadly) did the first human civilizations begin?

Africa/middle east


A North American take-over of what was once Emmental cheese, this cheese is popular for its frequent large holes and aromatic, nutty, and sweet taste. It also has the most protein, vitamin D, and B12 of the common cheeses



Once considered one of the best tight ends in the NFL, this NE Patriot shot a guy multiple times and was implicated in other murders

Aaron Hernandez

a 100Cº brick is placed next to a 60ºC brick. What is the direction of heat flow?

from the hotter brick to the colder brick


this word describes a comparison of two things that share similar traits



how many original colonies formed the United States?



England's most famous and popular cheese, it comes in a variety of colors but was once yellow to indicate high quality. It is hard, sharp tasting, and traditionally had to be made within 30 miles of the wells cathedral. Annato from the achiote tree is often used to add a nutty flavor



This notorious killer appeared in London’s Whitechapel district in 1888 and murdered five women—all prostitutes—and mutilated their corpses

Jack the ripper


a brick weighs 100 grams, and displaces 50 cubic cm of water. what is it's density?



describe how to use accept compared to except

accept is to receive or permit, except is to exclude


This age/historical period describes ancient Egypt roughly 3000 years BCE and is characterized by the first use of copper-tin ores in trading to create weapons and tools

The Bronze Age


Originally from Denmark, this cheese is a semi-soft cow's milk cheese made by introducing rennet to milk to curdle. The curds are pressed and drained,  then the cheese is aged. It has a subtle flavor. It is interior-ripened, rindless, smooth and slightly bright-surfaced. It has very small and irregular openings ("eyes") distributed in the mass. It also has a buttery aroma and can be somewhat sharp in the stronger varieties. The taste is buttery, and from somewhat sweet to very sweet, and it is slightly acidic.



This TV-popular bounty hunter buying weed in the UK with friends when the dealer was shot and killed. He was in the car at the time, but served 18 months and is not allowed in the UK again

Dog the bounty hunter, Duane chapman


Pumice is formed when lava cools rapidly, trapping air bubbles creating a porous, low density rock. What type of rock does this process describe? Igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?

Igneous:Fire or hot rocks, form when melted rock (magma or lava) cools. When magma cools slowly, large minerals are produced. Ign is latin for fire


define conjecture

an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.


after finding out discussions and protests were not accomplishing their goals, educated British colonists in North America founded this group to privately speak out against the government 

The Sons of Liberty


originally from Cyprus, this is a semi-hard, unripened brined cheese made from a mixture of goat and sheep milk. It has a high melting point and so can easily be fried or grilled. It is noted for its ability to retain its shape under direct heat, or as a "grillable" cheese. Commonly used in greek cuisine and a personal favorite of the pride and joy of Molly woods. 



This old-world billionaire whose fortune now funds somme of the brightest medical researchers in the world, once struck and killed a pedestrian in his car in 1936. He was never charged. 

Howard Hughes 


This word describes a state of matter change when an object goes from solid phase straight to a gas. 



this type of reasoning is the movement from a specific stance into a general conclusion

inductive reasoning. (deductive draws a specific conclusion from a generalized set of facts)


this Massachusetts governor served as Vice President for Warren harding, who took over leadership after WW1 on a platform to "return to normalcy"

Calvin Coolidge. Became president after Harding died, likely from poisoning by his wife


this type of cheese is used in Indian cuisine. It is an unaged, acid-set, non-melting farmer cheese or curd cheese made by curdling heated milk with lemon juice, yogurt, vinegar, or any other food acids.



This former First Lady of a Texan president failed to stop at a stop sign in high school, and struck her classmate. The accident was fatal. 

Laura Bush
