Who starred in Coming to America
Eddie Murphy
Who sang Sexual Healing
Marvin Gaye
Who was the fire chief in Oklahoma
Jimmy AKA Sherman carthen
Where was the union last held
What hotel did we stay at when we went to Oklahoma last
La Quinta
Who starred in do the right thing
Spike Lee
Who sang Never Too Much
Luther Vandross
Who is a retired San Francisco Sheriff
How many daughters did Uncle Lawrence have
To Theresa and Annette
Who is the family scribe
Miss Geri
Who starred in Harlem Nights
Eddie Murphy
Who sang Billie Jean
Michael Jackson
Who was a San Francisco police officer
Bootsy was who's nickname
What cousin moved from California to Texas
Who starred in Lean On Me
Morgan Freeman
Who sang love come down
Evelyn Champagne King
Who was a retired from the railroad
Sunny was who's nickname
The family reunions theme the herds go
Disco or Western
Who starred in New Jack City
Wesley Snipes
Who sang Purple Rain
This uncle and nephew both work at the Chocolate Factory
Anthony and Amos
The two brothers who lived in Uncle Bill's Apartments
Lawrence and George
The song that Aunt Bessie LED at all reunions
What a fellowship