Kinematics, Vectors, and projectiles
Forces, UCM, and Gravitation
Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum
Rotation, Static Electricity + Circuits

Does a car speedometer measure speed, velocity, or both?

Only the speed is measured.


Why do the things in a wagon fall backwards when you pull the wagon forwards?

According to Newton's First law, the objects tend to stay at rest. Since the force is applied to the wagon and not the objects, the wagon accelerates but the objects don't. Therefore, the objects appear to fall backwards relative to the wagon.


Is it possible for a bouncy ball to return to its original height after being dropped (not thrown)? assume Earthly conditions.

No. Energy is lost due to its collision with the ground


If a light in Christmas lights goes out and the rest remain on, what kind of circuit is it in?

What is a parallel circuit.


at what position in SHM is the acceleration the largest?

what are the endpoints.


Every 5 seconds between a flash of lightning and burst of thunder represents the distance between you and the lightning in miles. Using this rule, estimate the speed of sound in m/s (assuming that the flash reaches you instantly)

the speed of sound is approximately 321 m/s.


A fish is yanked out of the water with an acceleration of 2.5 meters/second2. The line breaks, only having a max tension of 22 newtons. What can be said about the mass of the fish?

The mass must be at least 1.78 kg. 


If a light and heavy object have the same KE, which one has the greater momentum?

the object with the greater mass


In rotation, what is the inward force that keeps the object in a uniform circle?

what is Centripetal force


What must be proportional to the displacement for an object to be in SHM?

Restoring force/Acceleration, which will cause the displacement on either side of the equilibrium to be equal.

Which angle should you aim an arrow if the target is 27 meters away (flat) and the arrow flies at 35 m/s?

There are 2 possible angles: 6.2 degrees and 83.77 degrees.


Why doesn't a heavier (but same size) rock fall faster than a lighter rock?


Thus, a=g regardless of mass


what is the momentum of a 28 g bird flying with a speed of 8.4 m/s?

0.235 kg*m/s


If Mr. Physics is on a rollercoaster and is going up and down, at what point in his motion does he experience weightless ness?

The top of the hill


What equation represents the period of a pendulum in Simple Harmonic motion?

What is 2π√(L/g)


2 cannonballs (A and B) are shot from the ground with the same initial speeds. However, the angle of ball A is greater than the angle of ball B. Which ball stays in the air longer? Which ball reaches the highest elevation? Which travels farther?

Cannonball A will stay in the air longer and go higher, but the ball closest to 45 degrees will go the farthest.


What minimum speed does a roller coaster loop with a radius of 7.4 meters need so that the passengers will not fall out at the top?

8.515 meters per second. However, in the interest of safety, this should be rounded to 8.6 meters per second.


a 28 gram bullet at 230 m/s gets stuck in a 3.6 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.8 meter string. what are the vertical and horizontal components of the pendulum's displacement?

0.16 meters, and 0.94 meters.


Given α=5rad/s^2, r=1m v=10m/s and t=10sec, what is the change in theta of the object?

what is 350 rad.


Given the equation of a spring in SHM: y=5sin(6пt+4). What is the period of the spring's motion?

what is 1/3 seconds, as y=Asin(wt+ф) and w=2п/T


a projectile is launched from ground level to a ledge 195 meters away and 155 meters high. If the projectile lands 7.6 seconds after it is launched, what is the initial speed of the projectile? (ignore air resistance)

63 meters per second, at 66 degrees.


What is the force of gravity on a satellite 12800 km away from the surface of the earth? The satellite has a mass of 1350 kg.



an object at rest is torn into two pieces by an explosion. one piece has twice the twice the KE of the other. What is the ratio of their masses?



Calculate the voltage across branch 3 considering R1=10, R2=20, and R3=30 and I2=3A?

what is 60V.


Calculate the force on an object at the endpoints in SHM considering m= 10kg, ω=5, and the amplitude is 2m?

what is 500, as F=kx and k=mω^2.
