What is a PACN
Property Assessment Change Notice
What planet is famous for the beautiful rings that surround it?
How many months have 28 days?
All 12 months
Which basketball player was Michael Jordan nicknamed after as a young high school basketball enthusiast?
Magic after Magic Johnson
Who sang "Girls just wanna have fun?"
Cyndi Lauper
What is ASMA
Assessment Standards and Mass Appraisal
Who was the first person to set foot on the Moon?
Neil Armstrong
I am full of holes; I can hold water. What am I?
What is Canada's national sport?
What TV show was Megan Markle on?
What is LPSS
Legislation and Policy Support Services
Is the sun a star or a planet?
A star
What gets wet when drying?
A towel
What sport is dubbed the "King of Sports"?
What is the longest running game show on television?
The Price is Right
What is MFIPPA
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
What is the hottest planet on the solar system?
What goes up and down but does not move?
What do you call it when a player makes three back to back strikes in bowling?
What is the longest running Broadway show of all time?
The Phantom of the Opera
What is OMAFRA
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs
Earth is located in which galaxy?
The Milky Way
Where do you find an ocean with no water?
On a map
What is the only team in the NFL to neither host nor play in the Super bowl?
Cleveland Browns
Name the 6 Kardashian siblings?
Kourtney / Kim / Khloe / Rob / Kendall / Kylie